Chapter 4

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Back in Kastovia

Markus, Alex, Gentiane, AR Team and Angelia II heard story from Aiden about FTac Recon's first mission long time ago.

Aiden: Since Lucia and Taylor went on separate missions, Taylor was on Ventilation and Lucia took over the security areas.

AR-15: What else, he was doing in the hanger?

Aiden: Well in the hanger, he got a call from his codec, the voice was Jack's grandfather's former team.

Markus: Your talking about Taylor's master?

Gentiane: Master?

Aiden nodded

Aiden: That man was Jack's grandfather's team member. 

As the scene change as the blizzard change to ventilation area.

In the ventilation

FTac Recon crawling the ventilation until then he got a codec call, so he then answer it.

The screen shows a middle-aged man wearing a glass, that man was a former member of David mason's team Crosby.

Crosby: Taylor this is Crosby. It's been a long time.

FTac Recon: M-Master?! What are you doing here?!

Crosby: I'm a retired from being US Navy seal, so I moved out here for some peace and quiet. Once in a while, I still help train some Scouts from Alaska.

FTac Recon: Passing on the skills to a new generation, huh?

Crosby: Well David's son told me about situation here. I thought I might be of some use.

FTac Recon: There's no one I'd rather to be a ghost like commander Hesh and Logan.

Crosby: Well you know lots about survival in a harsh environment. Now I lived in Hawaii. So call me if you want to have any question about flora or fauna out here in this island. You could contact me in a Codec.

codec ended

Alex: *voiceover* Your talking about Taylor's master is Crosby?!

Markus: *voiceover* The former Navy Seal and Jack's father's team.

Aiden: *voiceover* Yes, Crosby is part of JSOC Team.

Angelia II: *voiceover* Including the involvement of Terrorist attack by Raul Menendez

M16: *Voiceover* Since when he trains him?

Aiden: *Voiceover* Well, Crosby train him about survival in harsh environment to survive like Big Boss back in 1964 during Operation Snake eater.

Back to scene

FTac Recon was crawling the vent looking for the exit. He felt he could smell some Rats.

FTac Recon: *thought* Can't believe still in crawling in the vent full of tons of Rats. Hopefully, I don't see rats around.

He continues crawling, he noticed two Diamond dogs soldier conversation. He listen to their talks.

Diamond Dog soldier 1: I moved the DARPA chief to the cell in the first floor basement.

Diamond Dog soldier 2: What about the vent shaft cleaning?

Diamond Dog soldier 1: They just opened the vent covers. They're about to start spraying for rats.

FTac Recon: *thought* First-floor basement ventilation shaft...

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