Rogue S T-Doll HBRa3

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Alias: The Pyscho, the Floating S T-Doll

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Alias: The Pyscho, the Floating S T-Doll

Abilities: Pyschic Abilities: He can read minds and comment on the information they contain. He can also manipulate others by controlling their minds. He is capable of evading any attack he sees in the past.

Civilian name: Cipher

Weapon type: Assault Rifle

Weapon of Choice: Customized HBRa3

Weapon of Choice: Customized HBRa3

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Affiliation: Boss team

Info: HBRa3 is one of the most powerful psychics in the world using the psychokinesis according to one of the Henry's team. They experiment HBRa3, he can read everyone's mind. His ability to capable of moving objects with the power of thought, while he was still using his assault rifle as his primary weapon, spinning them around himself to create a makeshift barrier, or throwing them towards an opponent. According to Klara, he can read people's mind and learn about their past. He can manipulate others by controlling their minds.

Main theme:


HBRa3: Humans and Dolls weren't designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain and misery

Henry told FTac Recon during the battle

Henry: Taylor. That's Cipher his gun name is HBRa3. He is S T-Doll Psychic. He has powerful telepathic abilities. One my science doing the experiment of Pyschic for Cipher. As a result he became the most powerful Pyschic just like Pyscho Mantis.

Hesh: So, he is the experiment S T-Doll to become Pyschic and some sort of infected by this serial murderer's thoughts...? Why didn't just tell me?

Henry: Because one of my team was working on the experiment stuff. In any case, he became a sort of psychic spy working for the highest bidder. That's when he was part of the member of the Boss team your former team, Hesh. According to my analysis, he can read people's mind. Also he has a gun, so he could fight off the enemy while he was floating. He can knows every move that's you're going to make. Remember this Taylor Don't let him manipulate you!

Klara Draganov explained about Cipher to FTac Recon

Klara D: A Pyschic Doll... yes. Although he is exactly looked like Pyscho Mantis. Many countries have paranormal programs and use pyschics in their special-ops. From Natasha's report, Pyschics range in power from those who can bend spoons to those who can cause natural disaster. Unlike Pyscho Mantis, Cipher (HBRa3) is one of the most powerful beings as the Doll like him. Be careful

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