Chapter 2 First met

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In the tent

Kastovia before Shadow of Verdansk

Markus, Gentiane, Alex, Angelia II, AR Team, and Aiden checked on the record from the past in a few hours earlier 2031 while Juan went to check his team.

Aiden: So this is the record from 2031, when Japan turned Tokyo into a Refugee zone for Survivors and then abandoned Tokyo by their government.

In the video

In Henry's laboratory

FTac Recon woke up since his first appearance by G.H.O.S.T in 2030. From there, he woke up by Henry.

Henry: Ahh, Taylor rise and shine.

FTac Recon: W-where am I?

Henry: Your in my lab, you know.

M4: That's Recon, his eyes were...

Aiden: Old, yeah, from Merrick told me, before he was captured, his eyes somehow normal before it change.

Markus: Huh, he looks like in same age as you M4 but his heights looks so tall than you.

From the video, the door opened shows Hesh and Merrick enter the lab.

Hesh: Taylor good to see you wake up.

FTac Recon: And you are Commander Hesh?

Hesh: Correct, and this is Secretary of Defense in Pentagon, Merrick and also my second in command.

Merrick: It's nice to meet you Taylor. 

Hesh: And do recognize him, that's Henry Morse the director of the 39Lab.

FTac Recon: Are you military?

Henry: No, I'm a civilians as a director of the 39Lab.

FTac Recon: I shouldn't know, you guys are.

Merrick: Yes, we are the former Task Force Stalker also known as Ghost, kid.

Hesh: Know after introduction let's go for the brief shall we.

Merrick and Hesh grabbed the chair from the desk as the conversation start while Henry was working on for FTac Recon.

FTac Recon: So what do you want for me?

Merrick: We have a situation here, but only you can get this out of it.

Henry then place the injection contains of Chiron into FTac Recon's body. As he felt a shot on his arm. Merrick then give a picture contains of evidence.

Hesh: So about half ago, an Island from Sea of Japan, located in Japan Mainland called Shallow of Death or some Japanese called it shi no asai was occupied by soldiers.

FTac Recon: What kind soldiers?

Merrick: There not soldiers, but they are the seven Generation Stealth Tactical Dolls, in early before in 2033 led by my former team members called the Boss. 

Hesh: Before you, They presented in Washington, they blend in as a human so no one finds out about our Seven generation Stealth Tactical Dolls including, some like Russia, China and other countries know. Until in 2031, they deployed in Tokyo to rescue the UNRA agency to EXFIL point, Once the last of them of UNRA agency, my team went rogue and so they cut of our communication.

Alex: So, your father's former team went to Tokyo to investigate the rescue the UNRA agency who were stuck in Tokyo?

Aiden: Presumably, yes, 

Angelia II: No wonder why you guys kept secret from us?

Aiden: Become the Americans had the ultimate level of the technology since Relic and now Cryptid Technology was used by us in order to led US become the best. Until in 2040, Prometheans aimed to maked the Neo-Soviet Union some bastard's commies to let the winner of World War Three over United States. But unfortunately, ww3 ended in the halt.

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