Los Dioses Gemelos Project

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Los Dioses Gemelos Project 

Leader: Professor Henry J Morse

Affiliation: G.H.O.S.T. and US Government (worked alone of working UNRC and G.H.O.S.T. (in secret) )


Prof. Henry J. Morse launched the Cryptid Project after much discussions and political concerns. Work on the project was organized under Henry's leadership. The biologists of Henry's team pushed to focus on creating S T-Dolls modified with fallen soldiers DNA's to be used as proxies, and to pour founds into finding new Cryptid Specimen only after they could be activated. The second faction eventually prevailed and S T-Dolls were given the various DNA to ensure chromosomal completeness.

Work on the hybrids was slow due to the instability of the soldiers genes, making the failure rate of the experiments extremely high at 98.9%. Two boys donated their own DNA after the Collapse Fluid spread in West coast of America: John Taylor and Jacob Hendricks, Henry predicted that Taylor and Hendricks were destinated to become soldiers. John Taylor's DNA was mixed with Alex Mason and Solid Snake's DNA inside FTac Recon, while Jacob Hendricks's DNA was planted inside EX1. From there, the Cryptid Project shifted to an observation phase, with FTac Recon being given the civilian name Taylor and EX1 Hendricks, giving the project the definitive name Los Dioses Gemelos project (The Twin Gods). However, the A.I. Corvus mixed Jacob Hendrick's DNA with Liquid Snake's DNA and planted it inside EX1.

The twin S T-Doll: FTac Recon and EX1 were the only the first S T-Doll in secret from the public, they had the brains of Two Cryptid Ancestors? They are the key to activate the Cryptid Temple and to pacify the Cryptids. G.H.O.S.T. willing to use technology for their PMC not for Government. In 2031, EX1 went rogue along with his team the Boss, infiltrate the facility in shallow of death island. Eventually, the team were declared dead leaving two remains. 

The third S T-Doll

Another S T-Doll was later created, this time one of the science created a perfect S T-Doll later known as Ohm, name from the prototype assault rifle, which later given a civilian name as Dylan name after defector Dylan stone, unfortunately, one of the science accidentally use another DNA contains of Solidus Snake. Result as perfectly balance masterpiece. 

Sometimes later, Solidus took control of Ohm to continue the rebelled against the URNC (Union Rosstarist of Nation Coalition) since Solidus rebel Patriots and went underground.

Surviving S T-Doll Subjects:

FTac Recon

type: Battle Rifle

civilian name: Taylor


type: Assault Rifle

Civilian name: Hendricks


type: Heavy Gun

Civilian name: Dylan 

 Abandonment project

The project eventually was abandoned in 2030s. The surviving project was FTac Recon, EX1 and Ohm, the last surviving subjects S T-Doll the twins contained the brain of Cryptid ancestors while NV4 don't. 

 After Girls Frontline in Operation Aeneas.

Despite the Black Lilly and White Rose project abandoned after the Lily and Rose were lost after the Chaos of World War Three. William, Paradeous, Sangvis Ferri, GnK, StateSec, Stasi and URNC (Union Rosstarist of Nation Coalition) felt aware about US's secret project to the PMC, about the dirty little secrets. For William, he knew in America, some Americans developed a secret project to counter the White Lily and Black Rose project. As for Dandelion, she told M4 about the US's mysterious project that she felt.

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