Part 1

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At Mackenzie's house, the housemates are gathered in the living room, discussing plans for a party.

Mackenzie: (excitedly) Hey Caitlin, how about we throw a party tonight and invite all the other girls around?

Caitlin: (smiling) Sounds good, but let's check with the others first.

Mackenzie approaches Steph and Kyra, who are sitting together on the couch.

Mackenzie: (addressing Steph and Kyra) I was wondering if we could host a party tonight for all the other girls. What do you think?

Steph: (hesitant, but hiding it) Sounds good.

Kyra: (enthusiastically) I would love to see Charli!

Caitlin: (teasingly) Of course you would, Kyra. (Laughs)

As the other girls arrive Steph starts to get overwhelmed and stays quiet. "I don't want to see Sam after everything but I can't tell anyone. They'll hate me."

Later that evening, the party is in full swing. The house is filled with laughter and chatter as the housemates and their guests mingle and catch up.

Hayley: So how is everyone? Who's excited for our camp in 2 weeks?

Kyra: ME! So I can be annoying to Charli all the time.

Caitlin: So you'll stop annoying me?

Kyra: As if.

Amidst the festivities, Steph finds herself feeling overwhelmed by the crowd and steps outside onto the balcony for some fresh air.

Caitlin: (noticing Steph's absence) Where's Steph?

Mackenzie: (concerned) I'll go check on her. She seemed a bit off earlier.

Mackenzie finds Steph on the balcony, deep in thought.

Mackenzie: (sitting beside Steph) Hey, are you okay?

Steph: (sighing) Yeah, I just needed some space. It's been a lot lately.

Mackenzie: (placing a comforting hand on Steph's shoulder) You don't have to pretend everything's okay, Steph. We're here for you, always.

Steph: Can I tell you something when everyone else is gone and it is private.

Mackenzie: Sure, do you want me to end the party?

Steph: No! Cause then the others will know something is up. Let's just head back inside.

The party continues inside, but the atmosphere has slightly shifted as Steph's words linger in Mackenzie's mind.

Mackenzie: (quietly, to herself) I wonder what Steph wants to tell me. She seemed really troubled.

Caitlin: (noticing Mackenzie's distraction) Hey, is everything okay?

Mackenzie: (forcing a smile) Yeah, just thinking about something Steph said earlier. I'll tell you later.

Caitlin: (nodding understandingly) Okay, let me know if you need to talk.

Meanwhile, Steph tries to enjoy the party, but her mind keeps drifting back to her conversation with Mackenzie.

Steph: (to herself) I need to tell Mackenzie about what happened with Sam, but I'm so scared how she'll react. What if she thinks less of me?

As the night wears on, the party begins to wind down, and guests start to leave. Mackenzie notices Steph's increasing unease and decides to check on her.

Mackenzie: (approaching Steph) Hey, everyone's gone now. Do you want to talk?

Steph: (nervously) Yeah, I do. Can we go to my room?

Mackenzie nods and they head to Steph's room.

In Steph's room, Mackenzie sits beside her on the bed, offering a supportive presence.

Mackenzie: (gently) What's on your mind, Steph?

Steph: (taking a deep breath) I need to tell you something, but I'm scared of how you'll react.

Mackenzie: (placing a hand on Steph's shoulder) You can tell me anything, Steph. I'm here for you, no matter what.

Steph: (tearfully) It's about Sam. She... she was abusive towards me when we were together.

Mackenzie's eyes widen in shock, but she quickly regains her composure.

Mackenzie: (softly) Steph, I'm so sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve it.

Steph: (nodding) I know, but I've been carrying this secret for so long, and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I'm so scared of what everyone will think.

Mackenzie: (firmly) Steph, what happened to you is not your fault. And I promise you, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together, okay?

Steph: (sniffling) Okay.

Mackenzie wraps Steph in a comforting hug, their bond stronger than ever as they face Steph's painful past together.

Mackenzie: (whispering) You're incredibly brave, Steph. I'm so proud of you for opening up.

Steph: (tearfully) Thank you, Mackenzie. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Mackenzie: (squeezing Steph's hand) You'll never have to find out. I'm here for you, always.

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