Part 31

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As Charli continues to overwork herself at training, her teammates and housemates begin to notice changes in her behaviour and performance. She seems more fatigued than usual, and her usual cheerful demeanour has been replaced by a quiet, reserved attitude.

One evening, after training, the group gathers in the living room to unwind and watch a movie together. Kyra sits next to Charli, wrapping her arm around her shoulders and giving her a comforting squeeze.

"You doing okay?" Kyra asks, sensing Charli's exhaustion.

Charli forces a small smile. "Yeah, just a long day."

Kyra can tell something's bothering Charli, but she doesn't want to press her too much. She just offers her support and presence, hoping Charli will open up when she's ready.

Caitlin, who has also noticed Charli's fatigue during training, watches her closely. As the movie continues, she leans over to whisper to Kyra.

"Have you noticed how tired Charli's been lately?" Caitlin asks, concern evident in her voice.

Kyra nods. "Yeah, I was just asking her about it. She says she's fine, but I don't think she's telling us everything."

Caitlin frowns, worried about Charli's well being. "Maybe we should talk to her together, let her know we're here for her."

"I think that's a good idea," Kyra agrees. "We need to make sure she's not pushing herself too hard."

After the movie ends, the group starts to disperse to their rooms. Charli lingers for a moment, lost in thought, before slowly making her way to her room.

Kyra and Caitlin exchange a concerned glance and agree to talk to Charli soon. They want to make sure she's okay and find out if there's anything they can do to help.

As the night settles in, Charli lies in bed, unable to sleep. Her mind races with thoughts of training, her body image, and her desire to improve. She knows she's pushing herself too hard, but she can't shake the feeling that she needs to do more.

Kyra, Caitlin and the rest of the group remain unaware of the extent of Charli's internal struggle, but they are determined to be there for her and support her through whatever she's going through.

The next day, Kyra and Caitlin decide to approach Charli and have an honest conversation about her well being. They hope to uncover the reasons behind her recent fatigue and offer their support and guidance.

The next day, Kyra and Caitlin make a plan to talk to Charli after training. They want to have an honest conversation with her and make sure she's not pushing herself too hard. As training comes to an end, Kyra and Caitlin catch up with Charli and suggest they go for a walk.

"Hey, Charli," Kyr starts, putting a hand on Charli's shoulder. "Can we talk for a bit? Just the three of us?"

Charli looks a little apprehensive but nods. "Sure, what's up?"

The three of them find a quiet spot in the park nearby and sit down on a bench. Caitlin takes the lead in the conversation.

"Charli, we've noticed you've been pretty tired lately," Caitlin begins gently. "You seem like you're pushing yourself really hard at training. Is everything okay?"

Charli looks down, fiddling with her hands. "I'm fine, just trying to improve and get stronger. There's a lot of competition, and I want to keep up."

Kyra leans forward, her tone caring. "We get that, Charli. But you don't have to overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion. We care about you and want to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

Charli takes a deep breath, trying to hold back tears. "I just want to be better, you know? I want to be skinnier and faster on the field."

Caitlin's heart aches for Charli. She exchanges a knowing glance with Kyra. "Charli, you're healthy and well being are more important than anything else. It's not worth sacrificing your body for these goals."

Kyra nods in agreement. "You don't have to change who you are to be great, Charli. You're already an incredible player. We just want you to be healthy and happy."

Charli's eyes begin to well up with tears. "It's just so hard sometimes. I want to be the best, but I feel like I'm never good enough."

Caitlin moves closer and puts an arm around Charli. "You are good enough, Charli. You already are. You don't have to change your body to be a great player. We believe in you."

Kyra nods and places her hand on Charli's shoulder. "We're here for you, Charli. You don't have to do this alone. We're your friends and teammates, and we want to support you."

Charli wipes away her tears, feeling a sense of relief at their words. "Thank you, both of you. I guess I just needed to hear that."

Caitlin and Kyra give Charli reassuring hugs. "We're always here for you, Charli," Caitlin says. "Let's make a plan to help you find a better balance and take care of yourself."

Charli nods, feeling grateful for her friends' support. They discuss ways to adjust her training and focus on self care, making sure Charli feels comfortable and supported.

As they head back, Charli feels a weight lifted off her shoulders, knowing she has friends who genuinely care about her well being. She's ready to face her challenges with their support.

After the conversation with Kyra and Caitlin, Charli feels a mix of relief and uncertainty. Although she appreciates their support, she still grapples with her own doubts and fears. The weight of her thoughts bears down on her, and she finds herself struggling to focus on anything else.

After a long day of training, Charli leaves the practice facility feeling mentally and physically exhausted. She heads back home, trying to clear her mind, but the overwhelming emotions are too much for her to handle. As she enters the house, she can hear laughter and conversation from the living room where the others are hanging out.

Charli briefly considers joining them, but her heart is heavy. She needs some time to herself to process her feelings. Instead, she quickly walks past the living room and heads towards Hayley's room. Without saying a word to anyone, she enters the room and locks the door behind her.

The sound of the door locking catches the attention of the others in the house. They exchange worried glances, knowing something must be bothering Charli for her to retreat to Hayley's room like that. Hayley, who was sitting with the group, immediately gets up and walks to her room.

Hayley gently knocks on the door and calls out, "Charli, it's Hayley. Can you please let me in? Please?"

Inside the room, Charli hears Hayley's voice and feels a pang of guilt. She knows she's locked herself away in Hayley's space, but she can't bring herself to unlock the door just yet. Her emotions are too raw, and she's not ready to face anyone.

Hayley waits patiently, trying not to pressure Charli, but she's concerned for her friends wellbeing. "Charli, I want to help you. Please let me in."

Still, there is no response from Charli. Hayley leans her forehead against the door, feeling the worry and sadness grow. "Charli, I'm not going anywhere. Take your time. But please, know that I'm here for you."

After a few minutes, Hayley hears a soft sob from the other side of the door. It breaks her heart to hear Charli in distress, but she knows she needs to give her friend space. "Charli, whenever you're ready, just know I'm here."

Hayley stays by the door, offering words of encouragement and support. She knows she can't rush Charli, but she wants her friend to know she's not alone. As Hayley waits, she hopes Charli will find the strength to let her in and share her burden.

Authors note

Please let me know what you think of this story. Also would love to know your ideas.

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