Part 10

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The housemates are relaxing at home on the couch after their day off. Steph and Caitlin are chatting while Mackenzie and Kyra are playing a board game.

Steph: (looking thoughtful) Caitlin, can I ask you something?

Caitlin: (glancing at Steph) Of course, what's up?

Steph: (nervously) How do you ask someone out on a date?

Caitlin: (raising an eyebrow in surprise) Who are you thinking of asking out?

Steph: (blushing slightly) Ellie.

Caitlin: (smiling warmly) Oh, that's great! I think you would be really good together. Have you thought about how you want to do it?

Steph: (shaking her head) Not really. I've never asked anyone out before. I don't know what to say.

Caitlin: (placing a comforting hand on Steph's shoulder) Just be honest and genuine with her. Tell her how you feel and that you'd like to spend more time together. Maybe ask her out for coffee or dinner somewhere quiet so you can talk.

Steph: (nodding, taking in Caitlin's advice) That sounds good. I hope she doesn't think it's weird.

Caitlin: (reassuringly) I don't think she will. Ellie's really nice, and she's been enjoying spending time with you. I think she'll be happy you asked.

Steph: (smiling nervously) Thanks, Caitlin. I'll give it a try.

Caitlin: (encouragingly) You got this, Steph. Just be yourself and everything will be fine.

Steph nods, feeling a little more confident about her decision. She is grateful for Caitlin's advice and support as she prepares to ask Ellie out.

The group decides to host another pool party to celebrate Kyra and Charli's engagement. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and music as the guests enjoy themselves around the pool. Steph spots Ellie across the pool, chatting with some of the other players. She takes a deep breath, trying to gather the courage to ask Ellie out.

Steph walks over to Ellie, who smiles as Steph approaches.

Steph: (smiling) Hey, Ellie. Can I talk to you for a moment?

Ellie: (grinning) Sure, what's up?

Steph leads Ellie to a quieter corner of the pool area where they can talk privately.

Steph: (taking a moment to gather her thoughts) So, I've been thinking... I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime. Maybe for coffee or dinner?

Ellie: (smiling warmly) That sounds lovely! I'd really enjoy that.

Steph: (relieved) Great! How about tomorrow after practice?

Ellie: (enthusiastically) That works for me. Where would you like to go?

Steph: (grinning) We can figure that out together. Maybe decide tomorrow?

Ellie: (nodding) That sounds perfect. I'm looking forward to it.

Steph and Ellie share a smile before heading back to join the rest of the party. Steph feels a mix of excitement and relief as she reflects on how well her conversation with Ellie went. She's grateful for the support from her friends and the opportunity to take a step forward in her relationship with Ellie.

Next day after the pool party. Steph and Ellie have just finished practice, and Steph feels a mix of anticipation and nervousness about her upcoming date with Ellie. She freshens up and waits for Ellie near the entrance.

Ellie appears with a smile on her face as she approaches Steph.

Ellie: (grinning) Ready for our date?

Steph: (smiling back) Definitely. I was thinking we could go to that cozy cafe near the park. The one with the outdoor seating.

Ellie: (nodding) That sounds perfect! Let's go.

At the cafe, Steph and Ellie find a table outside. They order drinks and take a moment to soak in the pleasant atmosphere.

Steph: (taking a sip of her drink) This is nice. That's for coming out with me.

Ellie: (smiling warmly) Thanks for inviting me. I was looking forward to this.

Steph: (nodding) Me too. I've been wanting to spend more time with you.

Ellie: (playfully) Well, you've got me now. What do you want to do with all this time?

Steph: (laughing) Good question. I just want to get to know you better.

Ellie: (grinning) Same here. I'm glad you asked me out.

They continue to chat about various topics, sharing stories and learning more about each other. Steph feels a sense of ease and comfort with Ellie, and they both enjoy their time together.

Later in the evening as Steph and Ellie finish their drinks.

Ellie: (smiling) I had a great time tonight. We should do this again sometime.

Steph: (nodding enthusiastically) Definitely. I'm glad we got to spend this time together.

As they leave the cafe, Steph feels a sense of contentment and excitement about the potential for a budding relationship with Ellie. They exchange goodbyes and agree to meet again soon.

On Steph's way home she reflects on her date with Ellie and feels hopeful for the future.

A week after Steph and Ellie's first date, Steph and Ellie have continued to spend time together, going on a few more dates and growing closer. It's the weekend and the teams have the day off. Steph and Ellie decide to spend the day together at a local park.

Steph and Ellie are walking through he park, chatting and enjoying the fresh air. They find a bench by the water and sit down.

Ellie: (smiling at Steph) it's nice to have a relaxing day like this. No stress, just us.

Steph: (nodding) Yeah, it's a nice break. I've been enjoying our time together.

Ellie: (grinning) Me too. I've been looking forward to spending today with you.

They continue chatting, sharing stories and laughing together. Steph feels a sense of ease with Ellie, enjoying the natural flow of their conversation.

They pass an ice cream stand, and Ellie suggests they stop for a treat.

Ellie: (pointing to the stand) Ice cream break?

Steph: (laughing) Sure, why not? It's the perfect day for it.

They each get an ice cream and continue their walk, enjoying the simple pleasures of their outing.

Ellie: (playfully) So, what's the verdict on your ice cream choice?

Steph: (grinning) Delicious, as always. How about yours?

Ellie: (nodding) Can't go wrong with classic flavours.

They go back to sitting by the water, finishing their ice creams. They watch the ducks and talk about their plans for the coming weeks.

Ellie: (thoughtfully) We have a few games coming up, but I'm glad we managed to carve out some time for ourselves.

Steph: (agreeing) Yeah, it's important to take these moments. Helps keep everything in perspective.

As the afternoon progresses, they decide to head back. Steph feels a growing fondness for Ellie and is excited about their connection.

Ellie drive Steph home before going home herself. In the car, they make plans for their next outing. Steph is grateful for the time spent with Ellie and looks forward to what the future may bring for them.

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