Part 5

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After Steph finally opens the door, Caitlin and Mackenzie support her as she steps out of the bathroom, visibly upset. They offer her comforting embraces, allowing her to release her emotions and feel safe.

Mackenzie: (softly) Steph, you're not alone in this. We're here for you.

Caitlin: (gently) Take your time. We can go back out whenever you're ready.

Steph takes a moment to compose herself, her breathing slowing as she feels the warmth of their embrace.

Steph: (sniffling) Thank you, both of you. I just needed a moment.

Mackenzie: (nodding) Of course. We understand.

Caitlin and Mackenzie stay close to Steph, offering her gentle words of reassurance as she begins to feel more stable. When Steph seems ready, they guide her back to the living room, walking beside her for support.

In the living room. Kyra and Alanna are continuing their conversation, unaware of the emotional situation that had occurred. Caitlin and Mackenzie return to the room with Steph, who tries to maintain her composure.

Kyra: (looking up, noticing the trio's return) Everything good now?

Steph: (nodding with a weak smile) Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks.

Alanna: (smiling) I'm glad to hear it.

The group settles back into conversation, with Caitlin and Mackenzie keeping a watchful eye on Steph to ensure she's okay. They make sure to keep the atmosphere light, trying to make sure Steph feels as comfortable as possible.

Kyra: (addressing Alanna) So, any plans after this? Are you and Hayley heading somewhere?

Alanna: (nodding) Yes, we're planning to explore the city a bit. Thanks for the suggestions!

Caitlin: (smiling) Have fun! Let us know how it goes.

The conversation continues as the group enjoys each other's company, but Caitlin and Mackenzie remain attentive to Steph's emotional state, ready to offer further support if needed. They make an effort to include Steph in the conversation, easing her tension and providing comfort.

Kyra: (to Alanna, cheerfully) Kt was great catching up, but we should probably start wrapping up soon.

Alanna: (smiling)Thanks for having me over. It was nice to see you all!

The group says their goodbyes to Alanna and she leaves the house. Caitlin, Mackenzie, Kyra and Steph are left in the living room, the others continue to offer Steph the support she needs.

After Alanna leaves, Caitlin, Mackenzie, Kyra and Steph are left alone in the living room. Caitlin and Mackenzie stay close to Steph, watching her carefully and making sure she's feeling better. Kyra, sensing the need for some positive energy, tries to lighten the mood.

Kyra: (smiling) So, what's the plan for dinner? Are we ordering in or cooking tonight?

Mackenzie: (glancing at Steph) Maybe we should order in, keep it easy.

Steph: (nodding) That sounds good. I could use a quiet evening.

Caitlin: (picking up her phone) Let me pull up some options for delivery. Any preferences?

Kyra: (grinning) Pizza! Always pizza.

Mackenzie: (laughing) You're always up for pizza. Any other suggestions, Steph?

Steph: (smiling faintly) Pizza sounds fine.

Caitlin: (joking) Okay, pizza it is. I'm ordering it now.

Kyra turns on the TV, and the group settles on the couch. They watch a light hearted comedy, chatting and laughing occasionally. Mackenzie and Caitlin keep a watchful eye on Steph, ensuring she's comfortable and included in the conversation.

As the evening progresses, the pizza arrives. The group enjoys the food and the movie together, savouring the simple pleasures of the moment.

Kyra: (taking a bite of pizza) You know, it's nice just hanging out like this.

Caitlin: (agreeing) It is. We should do it more often.

Steph: (softly) Yeah, it's nice to relax and forget about everything for a while.

Mackenzie: (smiling) Well, our international camp is coming up soon. It'll be great to spend time with everyone again.

Kyra: (enthusiastically) Can't wait! Maybe we can plan some more get togethers like this during the camp.

As the evening winds down, the group cleans up after dinner and returns to the living room. Kyra suggests playing a game together, and they choose a card game that allows them to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Kyra: (shuffling the cards) Okay, who's ready to lose?

Steph: (laughing) You're awfully confident today.

Caitlin: (grinning) Oh, you're going down, Kyra.

The group plays the card game, sharing jokes and teasing each other. The evening ends on a positive note, with everyone feeeling uplifted by the camaraderie.

The day of international camp.
The players are gathered at the camp headquarters, bustling with activity as they prepare for their upcoming matches and training sessions. The atmosphere is lively and filled with energy. Mackenzie, Caitlin, Kyra and Steph are together and see Katrina arriving.

Kyra: (smiling) Look, Katrina is here! Hey, Katrina!

Katrina: (walking over to the group with a bright smile) Hey, everyone! It's great to see you all.

Caitlin: (smiling) Hi, Katrina! Glad you made it safely.

Mackenzie: (happily) Good to see you, Katrina. How have you been?

Katrina: (smiling) I'm doing well, thanks! Ready to get back on the pitch and play.

Steph: (friendly) Great to hear! We're excited to be back at camp and see how we do in the games.

The group continues to chat and catch up with Katrina, discussing the training sessions and matches ahead. They also joke around and tease each other, enjoying the camaraderie of the camp.

During training, the players work hard on drills and strategies for the upcoming matches. Katrina practices with her teammates and spends time honing in on her skills.

In the evening after a long day of training, the players gather in the common area to unwind and relax. Katrina joins Mackenzie, Caitlin, Kyra and Steph as they chat and play games together.

Katrina: (grinning) It's been a great day! What a workout, though.

Mackenzie: (nodding) Definitely, but it feels good to be back in action.

Kyra: (smiling) Yeah, and we got to train with some new players too!

Steph: (joining in) I think the team is looking strong. I'm excited for the upcoming matches.

Caitlin: (looking at Katrina) How are you feeling about the games?

Katrina: (smiling) I'm ready to give it my all! I can't wait to see how we perform.

The group continues to chat and bond, sharing stories and laughter as they enjoy each other's company. Katrina fits in seamlessly, adding to the lively atmosphere of the camp.

As the evening progresses, the group settles in to watch a movie together, sharing snacks and enjoying their time as a team. The stage fades to black as the players continue to relax and connect before the upcoming matches.

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