Part 21

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Charli begins to feel more at ease with herself and the support she receives from her friends. As they continue to grow closer, they decide to plan a special day to celebrate their friendship and progress.

The morning after the mirror exercise, Charli wakes up feeling more hopeful than she has in a long time. Her friends support and understanding have given her a newfound sense of confidence, and she is eager to continue working on her self image.

As she gets ready for the day, Charli reflects on how far she's come since she started struggling with her insecurities. She decides to share her progress with Hayley, who has been instrumental in helping her.

Charli: (meeting Hayley in the living room) Good morning, Hayley. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me.

Hayley: (smiling warmly) You're welcome, Charli. I'm so proud of you for taking these steps.

Charli: (nodding) It's been a journey, but I'm grateful for your support. I think I'm ready to keep moving forward.

As they chat, the other friends join them in the living room, and they all agree to spend the day together.

Caitlin: (suggesting) How about we go on a hike? The weather is perfect, and it could be a great way to enjoy each other's company.

Mackenzie: (enthusiastically) That sounds like a great idea! What do you think, Charli?

Charli: (smiling) I'd love to! Let's do it.

As they prepare for the hike, Charli realises she doesn't own any proper hiking clothes. She expresses her concern to Hayley and Kyra.

Charli: (nervously) I don't have any hiking clothes. I'm not sure what to wear.

Hayley: (reassuring) Don't worry, Charli. I've got some extra hiking gear you can borrow.

Kyra: (nodding) Me too! I've got some comfortable leggings and a shirt you can wear.

Charli: (grateful) Thank you both. That would be a big help.

Hayley and Kyra lend Charli the appropriate clothing for the hike, ensuring she feels comfortable and prepared for the adventure. The group spends the day hiking through a beautiful trail, enjoying nature and each other's company. They take pictures, share stories and create lasting memories.

Kyra: (taking a group selfie) Okay everyone, smile!

The photo captures the joy and unity of the group, a testament to the strong bonds they have formed. As the day comes to an end, they return home, feeling fulfilled and content.

Charli: (gratefully) Thank you all for today. It was exactly what I needed.

Mackenzie: (patting Charli on the back) we're always here for you, Charli. Just remember that.

The friends share a group hug, sealing their commitment to supporting each other through thick and thin. As they go their separate ways for the evening, Charli feels a deep sense of gratitude and love for her friends. With their help, she knows she can continue to grow and overcome her struggles.

After a day of hiking the friends return home with smiles on their faces and a sense of accomplishment. They agree to spend a relaxing evening together, cooking dinner and watching a movie.

Kyra: (clapping her hands) How about we cook dinner together? We can each make a dish, and then enjoy a movie night.

Mackenzie: (excitedly) That sounds perfect! I can make pasta.

Caitlin: (offering) I'll whip up a salad.

Hayley: (smiling) I'll handle dessert.

Charli: (eagerly) I'll help everyone with whatever they need.

As they prepare the meal together, laughter fills the kitchen. Charli finds herself enjoying the process and feeling grateful for her friend's company. The meal turns out delicious, and they sit down to eat together, sharing stories and jokes.

After dinner, they gather in the living room for a movie night. Kyra brings out a selection of movies, and they decide to watch a lighthearted comedy. The room is filled with laughter and warmth as they watch the movie and tease each other about their favourite scenes.

Charli: (snuggling into a blanket) This is so nice. Thank you all for a wonderful day.

Hayley: (smiling) It's been great, hasn't it?

As the movie comes to an end, the friends sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the calmness of the evening. Charli reflects on how much she has grown and how much her friends mean to her.

Charli: (gratefully) You guys have made such a big difference in my life. I'm so lucky to have you all.

Caitlin: (hugging Charli) Were so lucky to have you to, Charli. You've come so far.

They share a group hug, their bond stronger than ever. As the evening winds down, they say goodnight and head to their respective rooms. Hayley heads home.

Charli falls asleep feeling content and at peace, knowing she is surrounded by people who love and support her. She is determined to continue working on her self confidence and embrace the journey ahead. With her friends by her side, she knows she can face any challenge.

Hayley returns home after spending quality time with her friends and supporting Charli through her journey. Upon arriving home, she decides to relax and spend some time catching up on social media. As she scrolls through her feed, she notices comments on her recent post about her time with Charli, Kyra, Caitlin, Steph and Mackenzie.

Hayley: (smiling as she sees the comments on her post) It was such a fun day. I'm so glad I got to spend time with everyone.

As she reads through the comments, her smile fades when she notices some negative and hurtful remarks directed at Charli.

Hayley: (frowning) oh no, why do people have to be so mean?

The comments criticise Charli's appearance and Hayley's decision to support her openly. Hayley feels a pang of sadness and anger, knowing how hard Charli has been working on her self confidence.

Hayley: (determinedly) I can't let Charli see these comments. I need to talk to Kyra and Mackenzie.

Hayley quickly messages Kyra and Mackenzie, sharing screenshots of the comments and expressing her concerns about how they might affect Charli.

Mackenzie: (responding immediately) Those comments are awful. We need to protect Charli from this.

Kyra: (agreeing) I can't believe people would say such things. We have to keep her away from this negativity.

The three friends discuss how best to handle the situation and ensure Charli doesn't see the hurtful comments. They decide to report the comments and reach out to their followers, asking them to spread kindness and support.

Hayley: (sighing) It's important for us to shield Charli from this. She's been doing so well.

Mackenzie: Absolutely. We need to make sure she knows she's not alone in this.

Kyra: (determined) We'll stick together and get through this as a team.

The friends continue to monitor the comments and take steps to shield Charli from the negativity. They are committed to supporting her journey and helping her feel confident and loved. Hayley knows she can always count on Kyra and Mackenzie to stand by Charli's side and ensure she stays on the path to self acceptance.

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