Part 4

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Tw-abusive relationships

Steph and Kyra are sitting by the pool. Steph is hesitant but ready to share her story with Kyra.

Steph: (taking a deep breath) I need to tall you something personal, Kyra. It's about why I've been struggling lately.

Kyra: (nodding, encouraging) I'm here to listen, Steph. Take your time.

Steph: (looking down at her hands) It's about Sam... and what happened between us. I was in a relationship with her, but it wasn't what I thought it would be.

Kyra: (surprised) Sam? I had no idea you two were together.

Steph: (sighing) We kept it quiet, but things weren't right. Sam was... controlling and manipulative. She made me feel small and powerless.

Kyra: (concerned) I'm so sorry, Steph. That sounds awful.

Steph: (voice trembling) It was hard to break free from her, but I did. I've been trying to move on, but seeing her on the field today brought back all the pain.

Kyra: (reaching out to hold Steph's hand) I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Steph. You're so strong for getting out of that situation.

Steph: (tears welling up) Thank you, Kyra. It feels good to finally tell someone.

Kyra: (comforting) You did the right thing by sharing this with me. I'm here for you, and you don't have to go through this alone.

Steph: (nodding, wiping her tears) Thank you for listening, Kyra. It means a lot to me.

Kyra: (squeezing Steph's hand) Anytime, Steph. You're not alone in this.

Kyra continues to offer her support and empathy to Steph. Steph feels a sense of relief now that she has confided in her friend.

Steph and Kyra sit by the pool after their conversation. Steph has just confided in Kyra about her past relationship with Sam, and Kyra is supportive of her friend. They both are aware that Mackenzie and Caitlin know about Steph's situation.

Kyra: (softly) How has Mackenzie been since she found out?

Steph: (sighs) She's been supportive. It was hard for her to hear, but she really wants to help me through this.

Kyra: (nods) That sounds like her. She's always been one to stand by her friends,

Steph: (grateful) Yeah, she has been. Caitlin and Mackenzie have both been really good to me. It's a relief not to have to hide it anymore.

Kyra: (supportive) That's really good to hear. I'm glad you have them in your corner.

Steph: (smiling faintly) Me too. It's been a tough time, but having them on my side makes it easier.

Kyra: (squeezing Steph's hand) You're never alone, Steph. We all care about you.

Steph: (nodding) Thanks, Kyra. And I appreciate you listening and being here for me too.

Kyra: (smiling) Of course. It's the least I can do. We should definitely keep each other in the loop, though.

Steph: (agreeing) Yes, that sounds good. It would keep us all on the same page.

Steph and Kyra continue their conversation, discussing how to move forward together with the support of Caitlin and Mackenzie.

Kyra and Steph have just finished their conversation by the pool. Kyra has listened empathetically as Steph shared her experience with Sam and her feelings about the situation. Kyra wants to ensure Steph is feeling supported as they wrap up their conversation.

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