Part 17

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The camp atmosphere has been a blend of excitement and tension. Katrina, who has been struggling with Sam absence, seems to be carrying an anger that she's been unable to channel. This growing frustration has begun to affect her interactions with other players, particularly Steph.

During a training session, Katrina makes a harsh tackle on Steph, who manages to avoid injury but is clearly shaken. Caitlin notices and calls out to Katrina.

Caitlin: (sternly) Katrina! Watch the tackles! It's practice, not a match!

Katrina: (with a defensive tone) I'm just playing the game, Caitlin!

Steph picks herself up, trying to shake off the incident. She's used to staying out of conflict, but it's clear that Katrina's anger is aimed at her. Mackenzie rushes over to check on Steph.

Mackenzie: (concerned) Steph, are you alright?

Steph: (nodding, but unsettled) Yeah, I'm fine.

As practice continues, the tension between Katrina and Steph doesn't ease up. Katrina's movements seem overly aggressive whenever Steph is involved. At one point, she shouts angrily at Steph for not making a pass.

Katrina: (angry) Come on, Steph! Get it together!

Steph tries to remain calm, but the intensity of Katrina's remarks is beginning to take a toll. Mackenzie notices and Steps in.

Mackenzie: (authoritatively) Katrina, that's enough! Keep it professional!

The practice ends, but the mood is tense. Steph quietly walks away from the field, her emotions getting the better of her. Caitlin follows Steph, trying to offer comfort.

Caitlin: (softly) Steph, don't let her get to you.

Steph: (sighing) I know, but it's tough. I feel like she's just looking for a reason to go at me.

Caitlin: (supportive) We'll talk to the coach about it. You're not alone in this.

Mackenzie also joins them and offers her support to Steph.

Mackenzie: (concerned) Let us handle this, Steph. Don't let her anger get to you.

Steph nods, grateful for her friends support, but still visibly upset. The team decides to report Katrina's behaviour to the coach in hopes of resolving the situation.

After the tense practice, Mackenzie, Caitlin and Steph decide to have a conversation with the coach about Katrina's behaviour. The coach listens intently as they explain the situation.

Coach: (concerned) I'm aware that Katrina has been struggling since Sam's departure, but I won't tolerate unnecessary aggression on the field. I'll talk to her and see how we can address her frustration.

The coach assures the trio that he will handle the situation and keep an eye on Katrina's behaviour. Steph, relieved by the coach's understanding, still feels uneasy about the tension with Katrina.

As the team returns to their rooms, Steph decides to take some time to herself to process everything that happened during practice. She finds a quiet spot by the accommodation, away from the rest of the team.

Meanwhile, Mackenzie and Caitlin head back to their room, reflecting on the conversation with the coach. They both hope that the situation will improve and that Steph won't have to deal with any more stress.

Later that evening, Steph is sitting alone outside when Kyra comes over to join her. The two chat about the day's events and the tension with Katrina.

Kyra: (concerned) How are you holding up, Steph? It's been a rough day.

Steph: (sighing) I'm trying to keep it together. Katrina's been tough on me, but I know she's going through her own stuff.

Kyra: (supportive) I know, but that doesn't mean you should be her punching bag. I'm glad the coach is handling it.

The conversation helps Steph feel more at ease. Kyra offers words of encouragement and suggests they spend time together to unwind.

As they walk back to their rooms, they notice Katrina sitting alone on a bench, looking troubled. Kyra stops to talk to her.

Kyra: (concerned) Hey Katrina, you okay?

Katrina: (looking down) I'm's been hard without Sam.

Kyra: (understanding) I get it, but you can't take it out on Steph. She's been through a lot too.

Katrina nods, acknowledging Kyra's words. Though still distant, she seems open to the idea of working through her issues.

Steph appreciates Kyra's intervention and support, and the two agree to stay strong for each other as they navigate the rest of the camp.

The next morning, the team prepares for training, but there's a palpable tension in the air after the previous day's events. Steph walks to the field with Ellie, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. Ellie notices Steph's demeanour and squeezes her hand for reassurance.

Ellie: (softly) You've got this, Steph. We're all here for you.

Steph: (smiling) Thanks, Ellie. It means a lot.

As practice begins, Mackenzie keeps a watchful eye on Steph and Katrina, ready to intervene if needed. The practice goes smoothly at first, but as the team runs drills, Katrina's aggression resurfaces. She makes a rough tackle on Steph, causing her to fall hard to the ground.

Mackenzie rushes over to Steph, helping her up and checking if she's okay. Steph brushes off the incident, but Mackenzie can see the hurt and frustration in her eyes.

Coach: (sternly) Katrina, that was uncalled for! You need to control your anger!

Katrina: (defiant) I'm just playing the game!

Coach: (firmly) This is a team, Katrina, and we play as one. That kind of behaviour won't be tolerated.

Katrina seems taken aback by the coach's reprimand but doesn't say anything further. Practice continues, and Katrina appears to rein in her aggression for the rest of the session.

After practice, the team heads back to their rooms to freshen up. Mackenzie and Caitlin talk privately about the situation with Katrina and how it's affecting Steph.

Mackenzie: (concerned) We need to find a way to support Steph through this. She's dealing with a lot.

Caitlin: (nodding) Agreed. Maybe we should plan a small get together tonight, just to lift her spirits.

Mackenzie: (smiling) That sounds perfect. I'll talk to the others.

As Mackenzie and Caitlin make plans for the evening, Steph takes some time for herself to decompress from the intense practice. She appreciates her teammates support and hopes that the coach's intervention will help keep Katrina's aggression in check.

Later that night, the team gathers for a casual get together in one of the common areas. They share stories, laughter and enjoy each other's company. Steph feels a sense of relief being surrounded by her friends, and the supportive atmosphere helps her forget the day's troubles.

As the night winds down, Mackenzie checks in with Steph to see how she's feeling.

Mackenzie: (gently) How are you holding up, Steph?

Steph: (sighing) It's been a lot, but I'm okay. Thanks for asking.

Mackenzie: (smiling) Anytime, we're here for you.

With the team's support, Steph finds the strength to face whatever challenges come her way. The evening's camaraderie strengthens their bond as a team and helps them prepare for the days ahead.

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