Part 7

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The day before the big game against England, the team gathers for dinner in the communal dining area. The mood is a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation for the upcoming match.

Mackenzie, Caitlin and Steph are seated at a table with Kyra and Ellie. The conversation is lighthearted as they enjoy their meal.

Kyra: (grinning) Who's ready to take on England tomorrow?

Caitlin: (smirking) I'm definitely ready! How about you, Steph?

Steph: (smiling softly) Yeah, I'm ready too. Just going to focus on the game.

Ellie: (encouraging) We're all going to do great. Let's stick to the plan and support each other on the field.

Mackenzie: (nodding) That's the key- working together and giving it our all.

The team finishes their dinner, and most of the players head to their rooms to rest. Steph seems a bit more at ease compared to the previous days, and the support from her friends is noticeable.

Steph and Ellie are in their room getting ready for bed.

Steph: (to Ellie) Thanks for being there for me last night.

Ellie: (sincerely) Anytime, Steph. You know you can always count on me.

Steph: (grateful) I know. It's good to have friends like you, Mackenzie and Caitlin.

Ellie: (smiling) We're all here for you, Steph.

The two chat a bit more before settling down to sleep. Steph drifts off, feeling comforted by the support she's received.

The next morning the team gathers for breakfast, before heading to the match.

Coach: (addressing the team) This is it, everyone. Let's stay focused and play as a team. Give it your best out there.

The team nod in agreement and prepare to leave for the match.

Kyra: (to Steph) Let's do this, Steph! We've got your back.

Steph: (determined) Thanks, Kyra. Let's go.

The team leaves the camp for the stadium, ready to face England in the upcoming match. The scene ends with the team boarding the bus, the players feeling a mix of nerves and excitement for the big game.

The team has just finished playing their match against England. The atmosphere is a mix of emotions, as some players are elated while others are disappointed with the outcome.

Caitlin, Mackenzie, Steph, Kyra and Ellie gather in a corner of the locker room to talk about the match.

Caitlin: (breathing heavily) Wow, what a game! We really gave it our all out there.

Kyra: (nodding) We did! We played as a team, and that's what matters.

Ellie: (supportively) We kept our heads up, even when things got tough. I'm proud of all of us.

Mackenzie: (reflecting) We can learn from this and keep improving. It's all part of the journey.

Steph: (determined) Absolutely. We'll take the lessons from this game and use them to come back stronger next time.

Caitlin notices a few players hanging their heads, feeling down about the result.

Caitlin: (encouraging) Hey, let's not get too down. We played our hearts out, and that's something to be proud of.

Kyra: (agreeing) Yeah! And we'll come back stronger next time. Let's keep pushing forward.

Mackenzie: (smiling) Exactly. We'll take what we learned today and use it to grow.

Hayley: (grateful) Thanks, everyone. I'm glad we have such a supportive team.

As the team starts to change and gather their belongings, Steph takes a moment to thank her friends.

Steph: (sincerely) Thanks for being there for me, you guys. Your support means everything.

Caitlin: (smiling) Always, Steph. We're in this together.

Kyra: (grinning) That's what friends are for!

The team begins making their way out of the locker room, discussing the highlights of the game and the areas they can improve on.

On the bus back to camp. The mood is positive, with the players chatting about the game and their plans for the rest of the day.

Mackenzie: (jokingly) So, what's the plan for tonight? Are we celebrating or commiserating?

Caitlin: (laughing) Maybe a little bit of both!

Steph: (joining in) As long as we're all together, that's what matters.

Ellie: (grinning) Exactly! Let's just enjoy the moment.

The team laughs and chats as the bus continues its journey back to camp.

At international camp, the team has a rare day off from training and matches. The players take the opportunity to relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Kyra has been planning something special for Charli, who has no idea about Kyra's plans.

Kyra approaches Charli in the common area, where they are both sitting and chatting.

Kyra: (grinning) Hey, Charli, how would you like to go on a little adventure today?

Charli: (smiling) An adventure? What do you have in mind?

Kyra: (mysterious) You'll see! Trust me, it's going to be fun.

Charli laughs and agrees to Kyra's idea. The two of them leave camp and head out to explore the nearby area.

They are now at a picturesque spot in nature. Kyra and Charli walk hand in hand, taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying each other's company.

Kyra: (playfully) Okay, now you have to close your eyes.

Charli: (raising an eyebrow) Oh, really? What's this all about?

Kyra: (teasing) No questions! Just trust me.

Charli closes her eyes as Kyra leads her to a special spot she had prepared earlier.

Kyra: (softly) Okay, you can now open your eyes.

Charli opens her eyes to see a beautiful setup with flowers and candles around a small picnic area.

Charli: (amazed) Kyra, what's all this?

Kyra: (smiling) Just something special for you.

The two share a sweet moment as they enjoy the setup. After a while, Kyra takes Charli's hand and looks into her eyes.

Kyra: (taking a deep breath) Charli, you mean everything to me. I've never felt this way about anyone else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Charli's eyes widen as Kyra gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box with a ring inside.

Kyra: (holding up the ring) Charli, will you marry me?

Charli is overwhelmed with emotion and takes a moment to compose herself before answering.

Charli: (tearing up) Kyra, yes! Yes, I will!

Kyra slips the ring onto Charli's finger as they both share a heartfelt kiss and hug, celebrating their engagement.

Back at camp, when Kyra and Charli return, hand in hand with smiles in their faces. The news of their engagement quickly spreads throughout camp, and their teammates share in their joy.

The team celebrates their engagement with a small gathering filled with laughter, hugs and congratulations.

A/N please let me know what you think. Love the author 😘

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