Melting of The Stone

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Tae's house

Jeon JK's days had always been filled with the relentless demands of being a prince and a commander in Stardom's army

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Jeon JK's days had always been filled with the relentless demands of being a prince and a commander in Stardom's army. But now, there was a new rhythm to his life, one that centred around a secret obsession. Each day, he embarked on the journey from Stardom to Earth, light-years traversed in mere moments thanks to their advanced technology. And each day, his heart raced with anticipation as he neared the small countryside where Tae lived.

It became his solace, an escape from the rigidity and expectations of his royal duties. The simplicity of Earth and the presence of the beautiful blonde-haired girl became his sanctuary. He arrived just in time to see her step into her garden, her melodious singing filling the air as she tended to her plants.

One afternoon, hidden in the shadows of the forest, JK watched as Tae struggled to lift a heavy watering can. He frowned, his protective instincts flaring. With a subtle movement of his fingers, he used his advanced alien technology to lighten the load, making it easier for her to manage.

Tae paused, surprised by the sudden ease. She looked around a puzzled expression on her face. "That's strange," she murmured, smiling to herself. "Maybe I'm getting stronger."

JK's lips curved into a small smile as he watched her continue her work, oblivious to his presence. His heart swelled with an unfamiliar warmth, a stark contrast to the cold detachment he usually felt.

As the days passed, JK's interventions became more frequent. He helped her without her knowing, creating a bond that only he was aware of. When she struggled to pull weeds, he used his technology to weaken their roots. When her plants wilted, he subtly adjusted the soil's composition to nourish them.

One evening, as Tae prepared to plant new flowers, she found the soil already tilled and ready. She looked around, bewildered but grateful. "The earth is so kind to me," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. "I must be very lucky."

From his hidden vantage point, JK's chest tightened. He longed to reveal himself, to speak to her and explain that he was the one assisting her. But he knew he couldn't. The rules of Stardom were clear, and his presence on Earth had to remain a secret.

JK's routine of obsession soon became a vital part of his existence. Each night, he would stand on the balcony of his royal quarters, staring at the stars, his mind filled with thoughts of Tae. His brothers, Jeon August-D and Jeon Jhope, noticed the change in him.

"Something's different about you, JK," August-D remarked one evening, his tone curious. "You seem... happier."

JK shrugged, keeping his gaze on the horizon. "Maybe I've found something worth my time."

Jhope, ever perceptive, studied JK closely. "Is it someone worth your time?"

JK's silence spoke volumes, and his brothers exchanged knowing glances. They decided not to press him, respecting his privacy.

Back on Earth, Tae continued to marvel at her good fortune. Her garden flourished as never before, and the tasks that once seemed daunting now felt effortless. She often spoke aloud to the nature around her, expressing her gratitude.

"Thank you, for whatever magic is helping me," she said one day, her voice filled with sincerity as she knelt to water her roses. "I feel like I'm not alone anymore."

JK, watching from the shadows, felt a pang of longing. He wished he could answer her, to tell her that she was indeed not alone, that he was there, watching over her. But he remained silent, his presence a secret that brought him both joy and sorrow.

One particular afternoon, Tae was trying to fix a broken fence. The task was proving difficult, and she was growing frustrated. "Why won't this just stay in place?" she muttered, struggling to hold the pieces together.

JK, hidden nearby, couldn't bear to see her struggle. With a discreet flick of his wrist, he used his technology to mend the fence, the pieces snapping together seamlessly.

Tae gasped, stepping back in astonishment. "How...?" She looked around, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Is someone here?"

JK held his breath, his heart pounding. But Tae saw no one. She shook her head, laughing softly.

"It must be the fairies," she decided a playful smile on her lips. "Thank you, kind spirits."

As Tae walked back to her garden, JK released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He knew his actions were risky, but the satisfaction of helping her, even in small ways, was worth the danger.

Over time, JK's icy exterior began to thaw. The emotions he had long suppressed—compassion, tenderness, even love—began to surface, all because of Tae. Her innocence and kindness were a stark contrast to the harshness of his world, and he found himself drawn to her in ways he couldn't explain.

That night, as he prepared to return to Stardom, JK lingered a little longer, watching Tae as she sat on her porch, gazing at the stars. She hummed a familiar tune, her voice a soothing balm to his restless soul.

"Goodnight, my mysterious helpers," she said softly, her eyes closed. "Wherever you are, thank you."

JK's heart ached with longing. He knew he couldn't stay on Earth forever, but for now, these moments were enough. They had to be.

As he ascended into the sky, leaving Earth behind, JK felt a renewed sense of purpose. His duties in Stardom awaited, but his thoughts remained with Tae, the human girl who had unknowingly captured his heart and changed his life forever.

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