Storm in the Flower Garden

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The sun had long set over the countryside, casting the farmhouse in the soft, silvery glow of the moon.

Inside, Tae's parents sat at the kitchen table, their faces etched with worry. Tae, having finished her chores for the day, had just drifted off to sleep in her small bedroom. Her gentle breathing filled the room, a contrast to the heavy atmosphere in the kitchen.

Sitting on a chair at the corner of Tae's room, Jeon JK watched over his golden beauty sleeping soundly on her bed. His nightly visits had become a routine, a silent vigil over the girl who had unwittingly captivated his heart. His sensitive ears listened intently to the conversation taking place downstairs.

"We can't keep living like this," Tae's father said, his voice heavy with desperation. "The farm barely produces enough to keep us fed. We need a solution, and fast."

Her mother sighed, tears glistening in her eyes. "There's that proposal from the Lee family. They're wealthy, and they've taken an interest in Tae. If she marries into their family, our financial troubles would be over."

JK's heart clenched at the words. The idea of Tae being married off to a wealthy family, like a mere commodity to be traded for financial stability, ignited a fury within him. He had watched her and admired her resilience, and now, he couldn't bear the thought of her being used in such a manner.

Tae's father looked torn. "I don't like the idea of forcing her into a marriage, but what choice do we have? We can't keep going like this."

JK's protective instincts flared. He knew he had to intervene, to stop this from happening. But for now, all he could do was listen and plan.

As the conversation continued, Tae shifted in her sleep, murmuring softly. "Thank you, secret fairy, for always helping me," she whispered, her voice a sleepy murmur of gratitude. "I don't know who you are, but I'm grateful."

JK's heart softened at her words. At that moment, he realized the depth of his feelings for her. It wasn't just admiration or fascination—he had fallen in love with her. Her kindness, her resilience, and her unwavering spirit had pierced through the cold detachment he had always known.

He watched her sleep, his resolve hardening. He couldn't let her be forced into a loveless marriage. She deserved so much more, and he would ensure she got it.

Tae's mother finally spoke again, her voice shaky but firm. "We'll talk to Tae about it tomorrow. We need to be honest with her, and hope she understands the situation we're in."

Her father nodded, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Yes, we'll tell her tomorrow."

JK's mind raced as he listened. He couldn't let this happen. He had to act, and soon.

As the night deepened, Tae's parents retired to their bedroom, their hearts heavy with the decision they had made.

JK remained seated, eyes still on the sleeping face of the beauty, his thoughts consumed with how to protect Tae. He watched her sleep, her peaceful expression a stark contrast to the turmoil he felt inside.

The next morning, Tae woke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She stretched and yawned, then made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, unaware of the difficult conversation awaiting her.

Her parents were already seated at the table, their faces somber. Tae sensed something was wrong immediately. "Mother, Father, is everything alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Her mother took a deep breath, reaching for Tae's hand. "Sweetheart, we need to talk to you about something important."

Tae sat down, her heart pounding. "What is it?"

Her father cleared his throat, unable to meet her eyes. "We've been struggling for a long time, Tae. The farm isn't producing enough, and we can barely make ends meet. We've received a proposal from the Lee family. They're wealthy and have shown interest in you... in marriage."

Tae's eyes widened, shock and disbelief washing over her. "Marriage? To the Lee family?"Her mother squeezed her hand, tears brimming in her eyes. "We wouldn't ask this of you if we weren't desperate, Tae. We just want what's best for you, and we can't provide for you like they can."

Tae's heart ached at the desperation in her parents' voices, but the thought of being married off like a piece of property was unbearable. "I... I need some time to think about this," she said, her voice trembling.

She stood up and left the kitchen, tears streaming down her face. She retreated to her room, where she sat on her bed, hugging her knees to her chest.

Outside, JK watched her through the window, his heart breaking at the sight of her distress. He was having second thoughts of himself being involved in these earthly events, however those tears fallen from tae's eyes have changed his mind right away.

He knew what he had to do. He couldn't let her suffer like this. Tae deserved to be happy, to be free from the burdens that weighed her down. And he would do whatever it took to ensure that she never lost that spark of hope and resilience that made her so truly remarkable.

That night, as Tae drifted off to sleep, she whispered another thank you to her secret fairy. JK, watching over her, made a silent vow. He would protect her, fight for her, and ensure that she knew she was not alone.

In his heart, he knew that Tae was the light that had begun to thaw the ice around his soul, and he would do everything in his power to keep that light shining.

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