They who left

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The battlefield lay silent and still in the aftermath of the war.

The soldiers of Stardom, led by their fearless King JK and his son, Aelius, had emerged victorious once again. The enemy had been vanquished, their forces scattered to the winds.

JK and Aelius, side by side, led their army back home, their spirits high despite the fatigue of battle.

Upon their return to Stardom, the people erupted in cheers and celebrations, welcoming their heroes with open arms.

The grand gates of the palace opened wide to receive the king and his son. JK and Aelius dismounted their steeds, their eyes scanning the jubilant crowd.

But amidst the sea of joyous faces, JK's gaze was drawn to a figure that seemed out of place.

A fragile girl, covered in mud and grime, stood at the edge of the crowd. Her eyes, wide and hauntingly familiar, caught his breath.

and there at that moment, JK felt like he travelled back to a 100 of years, to the fateful, warm and beautiful day, when he saw her for the first time.

On that day, he found her, covered in earthly objects and today again, he found her in the same way.

Everything around him went silent, no joyous praising of the crowd, not even his own son can bring him back from his mind trip.

as if in this universe, it was only JK and the girl he held so dear to his heart even after all these ages.

And yes, despite the dirt and dishevelled appearance, JK recognized those eyes in an instant.

"Tae," he whispered, his heart pounding.

Overwhelmed by a mix of disbelief and hope, JK ran toward her.

"Tae, my love, I have waited a 100 of years for you, where have yo............"

But as he approached, the girl recoiled, her eyes filled with fear and confusion. She backed away, mistaking him for an enemy.

"Stay away!" she cried out, her voice trembling.

JK stopped in his tracks, his heart-shattering at her rejection.

The godfather's words suddenly echoed in his mind from centuries ago: Tae doesn't remember a thing about her past life, even though she has returned.

Desperate and broken, JK fell to his knees, his eyes brimming with tears. "Tae, it's me," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "It's JK. Your Husband. Please, I beg of you my love, please............. remember me."

But Tae's legs gave out from under her, weakened by days of starvation and exhaustion of the war time. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious. The crowd gasped in shock and concern.

Aelius, still recovering from the shock of seeing his mother for the first time in his life, ran forward.

He knelt beside her, his heart aching. "Mother," he murmured, gently lifting her frail body into his arms. "Let's take her back to the palace. The queen needs treatment."

He looked back to his father and then to the soldiers, "Hurry, help his royal highness and get inside the palace"

With a heavy heart, Aelius carried Tae inside, with JK following close behind, his face a mask of pain and sorrow but heart pounding rapidly with anticipation.

"Please, I beg to whoever listening, let her remember us, let her remember me , or at least my father, please."

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