Shattering of the Heart

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The grand hall of Stardom fell into a sombre silence as the Oracle's prophecy resonated within the hearts of all who witnessed it.

The festive joy that had once filled the air was now tainted with an unspoken dread.

Determined to understand the prophecy and find a way to alter it, JK approached his father, King RM. Together with Jeon August-D and Jeon Jhope, they decided to seek the wisdom of the Universe Council, home to the godfather of all aliens—a 1000-year-old being, wise and powerful.

The journey to the Universe Council was arduous, spanning across galaxies and celestial bodies.

The royal entourage finally arrived at the grand citadel of the Council, where the ancient godfather resided. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and hope, mingled with a tinge of fear of the unknown.

The godfather, a figure of immense presence, with eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, greeted them. His voice was a deep, resonant echo as if it carried the weight of centuries.

"Welcome, King RM, Prince JK, and your esteemed company. What brings you to my abode?"

King RM stepped forward, his voice firm yet respectful. "We seek your wisdom, revered one. The Oracle of Stardom has shown us a future where my son, Prince JK, and his child, Aelius, are alone. Tae, the mother, is absent. We need to understand the meaning of this prophecy and how we can alter it."

The godfather's eyes softened with understanding. "The Oracle's visions are never to be taken lightly. They reveal the truths of time and space, often intertwined with destinies beyond our immediate grasp. "

He closed his eyes, murmuring ancient incantations, his mind delving into the fabric of time. After a moment, he opened his eyes, a deep sorrow reflecting within them.

"The prophecy reveals a truth that is hard to bear," he began.

"Prince JK and his heir, the young lord Aelius are destined to live for a thousand years—a lifespan that is impossible for a human girl. This is why Tae does not appear in Aelius's future. Her mortal life will fade, while JK and Aelius will endure. And yes, the girl will face a tragic untimely death."

JK's heart sank, the realization crashing down upon him like a tidal wave. "No," he whispered, his voice breaking. "There must be a way to change this fate. I cannot lose Tae. Not after all the things we went through to be together."

The wise man's eyes showed sadness, "Young prince, mortal life is like that of a blooming flower. It attracts all when it's in its full bloom. However it's approaching its end every minute, ready to leave the ones it attracted."

Jk's eyes felt the moisture. Is it really over? After all this? He really is gonna lose his beloved?

Where did all go so wrong?

"I ...don't be happy, do I?" Jk's voice broke terribly.

His brothers went silent, as well as his father.

Rm tightened his fist, jk is his most precious child, and yet, he couldn't protect him!

The godfather overlooking the family closed his eyes again.

Where is that girl's star. Every living being born this universe has a star reserved for them, that decide and hold the power of their fate.

Maybe, just maybe, the star will have some mercy on that poor girl !

The godfather regarded him with empathy. "There is a way, but it demands a great sacrifice."

Jk's demeanour changed within a second, "just name it. I will do anything. Even if that means dying in her place."

Those determined eyes, oh how RM had always fear those eyes.

People have always thought jk is a splitting image of Rm.

But that's gonna change now, for JK is more fierce, determined and stubborn than his father.

His demeanour made his brothers gulp together, they feared that he is going to take some drastic measures that gonna change all of their future, maybe the universe's as well.

The godfather continued,"If you wish to change fate, Tae must leave Stardom. Her memories must be erased, and she must return to Earth to live a normal human life, free from the burdens of this prophecy. Before she leaves, she will leave a drop of her blood here, which the Oracle will use to reincarnate her as one of your kind in Stardom. However, I cannot guarantee that upon rebirth, she will recognize you or your son or would remember any of the moments she lived here."

JK's breath hitched, the weight of the decision crushing his spirit. "Erase her memory? Send her back to Earth? She will forget everything—us, Aelius, our love?"

The godfather nodded solemnly. "It is the only way to ensure her rebirth in Stardom, where she can live a life alongside you and Aelius, free from the constraints of mortality."

Tears streamed down JK's face as he grappled with the enormity of the decision.

The godfather closed his eyes this time, he is not supposed to be sentimental, he had never been in his whole life. Yet, today, a lot of things had been proven wrong, so terribly wrong.

"How can I ask her to give up everything, to forget us completely? How can I bear to lose her, even if it's for a chance to have her again?" Jk asked no one. Has the universe really forsaken him? How much could have it hated him to do this?

King RM placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "Sometimes, the greatest acts of love require the greatest sacrifices. If you truly believe this is the way to save Tae and ensure a future for your family, then you must find the strength to make that sacrifice."

JK nodded, his resolve hardening. "I will do it. For Tae, for Aelius, and for our future. I will make the sacrifice."

The godfather's eyes held a hint of a sadness as he spoke. "Very well, Prince JK. Prepare yourself, for this journey will be the most difficult one yet."

" for you will know, who has the universe chosen to be forsaken and who to be awaken!"

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