The Heart that found Home

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The day of the christening dawned bright and clear, the palace of Stardom bathed in a golden glow.

Excitement buzzed through the halls as everyone gathered for the momentous occasion. Tae and JK, dressed in regal attire, stood before the Oracle, cradling their newborn son, Aelius, in their arms.

Their hearts were full, excitement bursting in heart as they wait for the oracle to reveal their child's fate to them.

The entire kingdom was present, their eyes fixed on the royal family.

Among them stood August-D, Jiminie, Nancy, and Jeon Jhope, their expressions a mix of hope and trepidation. They waited holding their breath. They alone carried the weight of knowing what had once been prophesied.

The stars above them silently prayed, to not let history repeat itself.

The Oracle's ancient voice filled the hall, echoing with a mystic resonance.

"The child is light born in the darkness. His name shall be Aelius, born of light and love. He shall grow to be the greatest ruler of Stardom. His reign will be long and prosperous, guided by the strength of his father and the love of his mother."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd. Tears streamed down faces, and smiles broke out everywhere.

The four time-travelling royals couldn't contain their joy. They jumped and hugged, overwhelmed by the happiness of this new prophecy.

The reality has truly been changed.

The air was electric with celebration as they finally rejoiced in the happy ending of the once-tragic love story.

The celebration spilled out into the streets, the entire universe rejoicing in the reunion of JK and Tae. Their love had triumphed over time and fate, bringing them back together in a way that seemed almost impossible. It was a love that had defied the laws of nature and the boundaries of their worlds.

Aelius, nestled in his parents' arms, gazed up at them with wide, curious eyes. JK and Tae exchanged a look filled with profound love and gratitude. Their hearts echoed with the unknown to them sacrifices made, but more importantly, with the unyielding strength of their bond.

After all, even in this alternate past, they are carrying the same hearts, that have been reunited after a long wait.

The streets of Stardom were alive with festivities. Music filled the air, and the people danced and sang, celebrating not just the christening of their future ruler but the enduring love that had brought their king and queen back together. It was a love story that had faced unimaginable trials and emerged stronger, a testament to the unbreakable bond between JK and Tae.

In a quiet moment amidst the celebrations, JK found himself alone with Tae in the palace garden. The twin moons of Stardom's night sky bathed them in a soft glow as they stood before the rose bush where Tae had once confessed her love for JK.

JK suddenly reached out and plucked a single red rose, handing it to his wife beside him with a smile.

"For you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I will love you till the end of the universe."

Tae took the rose, her eyes shimmering with tears. "And I you," she replied, her voice a soft echo of his promise.

Their love had indeed surpassed all boundaries, becoming a beacon of hope and resilience. The universe celebrated their success, their story becoming a legend that would be told for generations to come.

As the stars twinkled above, the message was clear: Love, no matter how difficult the journey, will always find a way.

The celebration continued well into the night, the joy of the people of Stardom reflecting the triumph of a love that had conquered all. JK and Tae's story, a tale of sacrifice, loss, and ultimate reunion, would forever be etched in the annals of history, reminding all that true love is eternal and unbreakable.

As they held their son, Aelius, close, the future seemed brighter than ever. With the love of his parents and the strength of his lineage, he was destined to become the greatest ruler Stardom had ever known. And his parents, united once more, would guide him with the wisdom and love that had brought them through the darkest of times.

In the hearts of all who heard their story, the message remained: No force in the universe is greater than love. It is the light in the darkness, the hope in despair, and the ultimate triumph over adversity. And so, the love story of JK and Tae, an alien king and a human girl, became immortal, a shining example of love's enduring power.

And that's the end of this story. Thanks a lot to all of you who supported this. Borahe 💜

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