Darkness under the Candlelight

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Life on Earth, for Tae, was a stark contrast to the luxury and advanced technology of Stardom.

In the tranquil countryside, she lived with her parents in a modest farmhouse. Surrounded by fields of golden wheat and vibrant wildflowers, Tae's days were filled with the relentless chores that kept their humble home running.

Jeon JK watched her from the shadows, his heart heavy with admiration and sorrow. He saw the quiet strength in her, the way she tackled each day with determination despite the hardships her family faced.

In the mornings, as the sun casts a warm glow over the fields, Tae would be in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She would move with practised efficiency, her hands deftly chopping vegetables and stirring a pot of porridge over the stove. Her father, weary from hours of labour in the fields, entered the kitchen.

"Is there enough for breakfast, dear?" her father asked, his voice lined with concern.

Tae forced a reassuring smile, her eyes betraying a hint of worry. "Yes, father. There's always enough," she replied, placing a bowl of steaming porridge in front of him.

JK's chest tightened at her words. Being the luxury prince, he did not know what poverty was until he met the golden beauty.

He admired her resilience, her unwavering dedication to her family despite their financial struggles. In his world, such selflessness was rare.

After breakfast, Tae began her daily chores with Jk following her, an invisible shield wrapped around his body.

She headed to the small barn where they kept their single cow and a few chickens. She milked the cow, her hands moving gently and expertly. As she worked, she spoke softly to the animals, her voice a soothing melody.

"There you go, Bessie. Fresh milk for the day," she said, patting the cow affectionately.

JK watched from a distance, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions. He saw how tenderly she cared for the animals, her kindness extending to every living being around her. For a prince who only knew how to take lives on the battlefield, it was like quenching his never-sated thrust.

Back inside the house, Tae moved on to cleaning and tidying up. She swept the floors, dusted the furniture, and washed the dishes, all the while humming a soft tune.

Her parents were out in the fields, working tirelessly to harvest the wheat that would be their only source of income.

In the afternoon, Tae sat at the kitchen table, packing the freshly harvested wheat flour into neat sacks. She worked diligently, her hands moving with practised precision. The sacks would later be taken to the market by her father, a crucial task that ensured they had enough money to buy essentials.

Her mother entered the room, wiping her brow with a cloth. "Tae, you've done so much already. Take a break, dear."

Tae looked up, her face flushed with exertion but her smile unwavering. "I'm almost done, mother. Just a few more sacks to pack," she said, determination in her voice.

JK felt a pang of sympathy as he observed Tae's tireless efforts. He longed to ease her burden, to provide her with the comfort and security that she so deserved. He marvelled at her strength, her ability to find joy and purpose even in the midst of hardship.

As evening approached, Tae prepared dinner, the aroma of home-cooked food filling the small kitchen. Her parents returned from the fields, exhausted but grateful for the meal their daughter had prepared.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" her mother asked, her voice filled with gratitude.

Tae smiled, masking her own fatigue. "It was good, mother. The chores kept me busy," she replied, serving them with love and care.

JK watched the family share their meal, although he did not feel any interest in their food, their conversation filled with warmth and affection touched his heart. Despite their struggles, they found comfort in each other, a stark contrast to the often cold and detached interactions in his own royal household.

As night fell, Tae sat by the window, gazing out at the starlit sky. She sighed softly, her mind drifting to dreams of a better future for her family.

JK, hidden in the shadows, felt a deep connection to her hopes and dreams. He knew that her life was far from easy, but her spirit remained unbroken, her kindness and resilience shining brightly even in the darkest of times.

And as he watched her drift off to sleep, he made a silent vow. He would protect her, and ensure that she never lost that spark of hope and determination that made her so truly remarkable. In his heart, he knew that Tae was the light that had begun to thaw the ice around his soul.

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