Truth about the Blood

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The grand celebrations in Stardom echoed through the night, vibrant lights illuminating the vast alien landscape.

From the palace balcony, Tae watched as the citizens cheered and sang, praising their prince, Jeon JK, for leading them to a glorious victory.

Yet, amidst the jubilation, Tae felt a heavy weight in her heart.

As she stood alone, her thoughts were consumed by the disturbing truths she had recently uncovered about JK. She remembered the hushed conversations she overheard from the palace soldiers, speaking of JK's merciless nature on the battlefield.

The image of the soft, tender prince she had come to know clashed violently with the ruthless warrior described by his men."How can he be both?" she whispered to herself, the confusion and fear evident in her voice.

The soft sound of footsteps behind her made Tae turn around.

Queen Jin approached her, her presence a calm amidst the storm of Tae's emotions. Dressed in regal attire, the queen's wise eyes and gentle demeanour offered a silent comfort.

"Tae," Queen Jin began, her voice soothing yet firm, "may I join you?"

Tae nodded, grateful for the companionship. "Of course, Your Majesty."

With a graceful nod, Queen Jin stepped closer, her gaze meeting Tae's with unwavering intensity.

"There is a story that has long been buried within the walls of this palace. A story that only a select few know, a story that holds the key to understanding the complexities of our royal family."

Tae's curiosity piqued, her gaze fixed on the queen. "What story is that, Your Majesty?"

Queen Jin sighed softly, a shadow of melancholy crossing her features. "It is a tale of love, defiance, and sacrifice. A tale that shaped the destiny of our kingdom and the lives of those within it."

As Queen Jin spoke, she revealed a secret that had remained hidden for centuries. She showed Tae her own blood, a hue of green that marked her as a commoner.

Tae's breath caught in her throat as she struggled to comprehend the significance of the revelation."Your blood... it's green,"

Tae whispered, her voice barely above a breath. Queen Jin nodded, her eyes reflecting the weight of her words.

"Yes, Tae. I am a commoner. I was not born into royalty. Your king, RM, and I were banished from our kingdom for defying the royal protocol and marrying against our families' wishes."

Tae listened in stunned silence as Queen Jin recounted the tale of their exile, of RM's relentless determination to build a kingdom of their own, and of the sacrifices they had made to ensure their survival.

"It was not an easy journey, the time when they banished us I was already pregnant with my first child" Queen Jin continued, her voice tinged with emotion. "But RM's strength and resilience carried us through. He fought against the world, against every obstacle that stood in our way, to carve out a place where we could be free."

Tears welled up in Tae's eyes as she listened to the queen's story, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared struggles.

"I knew from the moment JK defied tradition at the age of six that he was his father's son," Queen Jin said softly. "His stubbornness, his defiance—it all echoes RM's own journey. But RM fears for JK, Tae. He knows the cruelty of the world, and he doesn't want his son to suffer the same fate."

Tae's heart ached at the queen's words, the depth of her love and concern for JK evident in every syllable.

Moved by the queen's story, Tae made a silent vow to herself.

She would do whatever it took to change JK for the better, to help him overcome the beast inside him and embrace the light of their future together.

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