Lunar x Reader "Am I A Monster...?"

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This one shot takes place after Lunar killed Eclipse, and he has a mental breakdown at the beach at Sun and Moon's house.

Solar had been trying to get Lunar to come inside, and comfort him, but it didn't work that well.
He eventually went inside, and me and Lunar were left alone.
Lunar was still sobbing. I stared off into the storm the Lunar had created from being upset.
"Am I a monster...?" He asked between sobs.
I emideitly sat down next to him, and hugged him.
"No. No you are not a monster. I know you killed him, but... It's not completely your fault. You have trauma. You can't help that."
He hugged back and cried into my chest. He didn't respond, but I knew what I had said helped him. At least a little.
"It's ok Lunar. Shhh it's ok. I'll be here for you whenever you need ok?"
He nodded and continued hugging me tightly. "Thank you Y/N..." He said.
"Of course Lunar."
He cried for a while more, but he slowly started to relax. I was glad I could help him.


Sorry it was short. Hope you liked it. Byeeeeeeeee!

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