Ruin × Reader Suicidal

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Ruin was working on some computer work, so I snuck out with a rope.
I went into the woods and out a ways where I was certain he wouldn't find me.
I had given him some extra affection this morning. He probably won't miss me that much anyways. I mean why would he? Sure we're dating but so what?
So I tied the rope to a tree branch and began to wrap it around my neck and make a note. Sure it's not the most pleasant way to do this, but a gun would be too loud and stabbing myself would be too bloody, and I don't really feel like jumping or drowning... You get it.
I started to tighten the knot. I love Ruin so much... I'm gonna miss him....
Tears filled my eyes as I tightened the knot all the way, and my breathing was cut off.
10.... 20 seconds maybe, passed and I was getting close to passing out when suddenly I heard my name being called, and running.
"Y/N?! OH MY GOD Y/N!!"
I looked up with foggy vision and saw Ruin running towards me. Oh yeah... There's a tracker in my necklace.
Ruin put a tracker in my necklace in case I ever got kidnapped considering the enemies we constantly get. He probably checked it to find me and was confused as to why I was out here.
He rushed to me and tried to untie the knot in a panic. It took a second but he finally got it and got it off of me and hugged me close.
I slowly started breathing and let him hug me.
"Breath... Are you alright Y/N? Why do such a thing?? I love you..." He sounded like he was about to cry.
"I'm fine... I just have bad thoughts all the time.... And I thought you wouldn't care........"
"Wouldn't care?! I would be devastated! Now don't you ever do this again. Come talk to me."
"Ok Ruin..."
"I love you Y/N, now don't you ever forget it."
"I love you too Ruiny."


Yay he's all caught up!!
I hope you liked it byeeeeee!!!

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