Solar × Reader PTSD Dreaming

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This is a random idea I had while I was bored in school a few months ago. Basically after Solar was brought back Y/N started having repetitive dreams about his death.

"RUIN HOW DARE YOU!!" I yelled, as he told us what he had done.
I held onto Solar and started sobbing.
"I love you SolarRay." He said. Then he faded away in my arms.
I screamed and cried.

I woke up shaking, tears going down my face. Sun, Moon, and Lunar rushed into my room.
Sun quickly sat next to me.
"It happened again..." I said as Sun hugged me.
"I'm so sorry Sunshine... It'll get better I promise. Solar's in the Theater if you want to see him."
I nodded wiping some tears off of my face.
"We'll be in the daycare if you need us." Moon said.
Lunar nodded and they both left the room.
I looked up at him. "How did you guys know to come?"
"You screamed Solar's name. The kids heard it, and told us."
"Speaking of the kids, I should go back. You can come out anytime you need alright?"
Sun smiled, and left.

A few days later


I woke up again. This dream just wouldn't stop.
This time though my screams had been very loud, because it wasn't time for the daycare to be open, and they all ran in again, but this time Eclipse was with them.
Sun rushed over to me.
Just as he reached me, Bloodmoon came out of the vents, attack mode on.
"Who hurt the?!" Bloodlust yelled.
"No one Bloody..." I said.
Bloodmoon relaxed.
"Sunshine, I think we should go see Solar, and you should have a talk with Earth."
"That sounds good..." I said.
Sun and me walked out of the room with Moon not far behind.

The second we got to the Theater and I saw Solar, I ran to him and clung onto him.
"Woa- SolarRay? What's wrong?"
Sun quickly explained as Solar moved to sit against a wall with me in his arms, "she's been having repeated nightmares about your death... It's strange that it's affected her now, since you are back. She was the most together out of all of us when it actually happened."
Solar nodded. "Shhh... It's alright SolarRay..."
"I texted Earth. She'll be here soon."

Earth arrived. I was still clinging to Solar.
"Alright Y/N. Moon said you needed to talk about some dreams you are having due to trauma.
I told Earth everything I could.
She nodded. "I think the best thing you can did is spend more time with Solar and everyone, and not just lock yourself in your room. Over time these dreams will stop. I would also recommend talking to Lunar, he had a similar experience where he had dreams about his death."
"Ok. I'll do that." I said.
Solar put his and on my cheek. "I love you."
I blushed hard. "I love you too."


Hopefully you liked it. This and the next one were random things I thought of a few months ago in math class.

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