Moon × Reader Suicidal

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⚠️Warning: Self Harm

This is the next part of them stopping Y/N from ending her life.

I was so fed up with life. With everything.
I walked to the Fazcade. It was quiet in there, and the Pizza Plex was closed so I didn't have to worry about any kids.
I held my gun up to my head. Well... This is it...

Moon was walking around cuz he was bored. He decided to go to the Fazcade because why not? He walked in and froze the second he saw me.
"Starlight?" He rushed to me.
I looked at him. I was shaking.
"Hey, hey, just put the gun down. Please... It's gonna be alright. I'm here ok?"
I was so shaky I couldn't move my hand, and my finger was dangerously close to pressing the trigger.
It was obvious how hard Moon was trying to stay calm. He gently grabbed my arm and pulled it towards him, and carefully took the gun away.
He put it on safety mode, and set it down. "Are you ok?"
"I... I don't know.. I...." I stared at the ground.
He gently pulled me into a hug. "I love you so much Starlight. And I can't lose you."
I hugged him tightly. "I love you too Moon.." My voice was almost a whisper.

Ok so yeah this was short. I promise the Bloodmoon one will be much longer. But I'm saving that one cuz yezz. I came up with it while I was trying to fall asleep and I was like: omg Bloody, why am I putting you through this lolol
So yeah hope you liked the chapter byeeeeeeeee!!

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