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People I am TERRIFIED.
There was this guy in 5th grade that had a crush on me through second grade. I ended up dating him in 5th grade and he was sorta toxic in a way.
We broke up without initiating it and he started being mean and saying things.
He at one point said: "These balls are for (My Name)"
After we got to 7th grade he started being nice so I was nice back to keep it peaceful.
Now we are in 8th grade and he is flirting with me, and today he tried to put his arm around me.
My friend also told me that he asked her if I was single and she told him that I was and that I just broke up with someone.
Then just now on the bus he said: "(My Name) date me or I'll kill myself."
So I just said "ok then kill yourself."
So I'm like... Scared that he's gonna try something and/or say something else but directed towards hurting me...
But I made up a lie that I am dating someone again but he might start being meaner now......
And don't worry I'll tell my parents about this, I always do.
So yeah that's my life 😊

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