Bloodmoon × Reader Monty Stop!!

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This takes place in the episode where Stitchwrath and one of the Bloodmoon twins die, except Y/N saves Bloodmoon.

I ran as fast as I could to get to Bloodthirst. How the hell did Frank separate them? Whatever that doesn't matter right now.
As I got closer I heard Monty talking to Bloodthirst.
I got there just as Monty said: "I'll just put you out of your misery." (Something like that I don't remember, but I'm not about to rewatch an episode just to get the lines right 😂)
"Monty stop!!" I yelled louder than I intended. Monty was just about to kill Bloodthirst but stopped the second I yelled.
"What the hell do you mean stop?! Why do you care about this thing... This creature?!"
"Because I love him ok?! I love both of them! And I don't care what you think about that, I'm sorry! And he is not a 'creature!' He is a person! Just please... Step away from him!"
"They tried to kill me man. I thought you cared about that. We're friends after all."
"I do care but... Please Monty. Leave him."
"Fine. Fine I'll leave him. But you might wanna find a new friend. This one might not last. And I doubt the Celestial Family will be happy to hear their friend loves the enemy."
He walked away and I pushed down the pain I felt and sprinted to Bloodthirst. He was really beat up and his voice box was messed up.
"Bloody... I'm so sorry..."
"It's ok Moonbeam..."
"Hang in there all right? I'll call your brother... We'll fix you I swear..."
"I know it's not normal for us but... We love you.. I.... Love you... You know that."
"Stop talking like you're about to die. You're not about to die!"
"I'm afraid I am Moonbeam..."
"Shut up. Shut up!"
"I'm... Gonna call your brother... We'll fix you..."
"Alright... Bloodmate..."
I blushed but pushed it aside and called Bloodlust.
"Moonbeam? What do you want. I'm in the middle of killing-"
"You're brother is about to die damn it! I'm sending you my location! You need to get here and help me get him to parts and service. Now!!"
"How the hell- I'm coming."
After that the phone hung up. Shortly after Bloodlust came running over to us.
"Hello brother..." Bloodthirst said.
"What happened to you brother?" Bloodlust asked. It sounded like he was actually worried.
"We can worry about that later. Help me get him to parts and service damn it!" I said.

We got him to parts and service but neither of us were really sure how to fix him.
"We need to call someone." I said.
"Yeah right... No one would help us." Bloodlust said.
"Damn it..." I started thinking until I thought of someone. "Ruin."
"That prick? I hate that man... He will die..."
"Bloody focus. Do you want your brother alive or not?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Call him."
"And try to behave yourself ok? For me?"
With that I called Ruin.
"Y/N? What brings you to call me? I mean we aren't the closest of friends-"
"Shut up and listen to me would yah?"
"Ah... Well yes, go ahead."
"Sorry it's just... One of the Bloodmoon twins were about to get killed, and he's really damaged, and neither me or his brother know how to fix him- don't ask how they got separated. Anyways... Can you please get to parts and service to help fix him?"
"Why do you care if he's broken? I mean last time I checked you were friends with Sun, and Moon and whatnot. He is their enemy after all-"
"Can you help us or not?"
"*Sigh* I suppose I could. Give me a few. I'll be there."
"Thank you." I hung up the phone and turned to Bloodlust. "I will admit he is annoying."
"Oh really? Did you seriously just notice?"
"Very funny."

After a while Ruin showed up.

"Well he does seem to be a bit battered. I thought you guys were supposed to be good in battle."
"Shut up..." Bloodlust said threateningly.
"My apologies Bloodmoon."
"So can you fix him?" I asked.
"Yes... Yes I suppose I could."

Time Skip

Ruin had finished fixing Bloodthirst.
"Thank you Ruin. I owe you one." I said.
"Don't worry about it. Consider it a favor."
"Well still, thank you."
"You are welcome. Well, I best be on my way now."
"Alright. Bye Ruin."
"Goodbye Y/N. And... Bloodmoon."
Bloodlust rolled his eyes and Ruin left. The second he was out of sight I basically ran to Bloodthirst. Bloodlust followed.
"Bloodthirst?..." I said.
"Hey Moonbeam."
I instantly hugged him and fought back tears.
"Glad you're alright brother." Bloodlust said.
"Thank you brother."
After a little while, we left parts and service and I allowed the both of them to kill a few homeless men.

Ok so there's another chapter. If you get the homeless man joke then yay!!
I won't be able to right for a few days cuz I'm going camping, but I plan to come up with ideas while I am.
Hope you liked it byeeeeee!!

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