Moon and (kinda) Sun × Reader He's gonna die!

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Me and Moon were walking on a small cliff, just above the water.
Everything was going fine when Moon suddenly slipped.
I tried to grab him, but missed, and he fell into the water.
"Moon!!" I yelled.
He's not waterproof. He's gonna die!
I jumped in after him.
He was sparking and I felt a few electric shocks as I grabbed onto his arm.
It was almost impossible to swim while dragging his heavy metal form.
"Moon, talk to me, please." I felt panic wave in as I struggled to swim with him.
"You're gonna get electrocuted. I'm not gonna make it. Go." His voice sounded distorted.
"No, Moon I'm going to get you out of here." I said desperately.
"I love you Starlight. You mean the... world to me..." After he said that his systems malfunctioned and he was unconscious.
"Moon! Please no!"
After a long tiring struggle of carrying him, I finally managed to bring him to the shore. "Moon... Moon please..." Tears streamed down my face. He was fried.
I started to panic and all I could think to do was was send Sun my location.
I started sobbing.
I clung to Moon's body and started repeating his name and saying 'I love you' over and over again.
After what felt like forever I heard footsteps behind me, followed by Sun's voice.
"Sunshine! Is everything okay? You never send me your location-"
He cut himself off when I turned to him with tears streaming down my face.
"Sunshine...?" He moved closer and saw Moon lying motionless by me. He quickly walked over to me and sat beside me. "What happened?!"
I hugged him tightly and sobbed.
"Hey shh... deep breaths, it's okay. It'll be okay." After I calmed down he said, "Now, tell me what happened."
I nodded and pointed at the cliff. "He slipped and fell into the water..."
Sun didn't need a further explanation.
He gasped, looking extremely concerned, but quickly remained calm to not further panic me. "Okay. I'm going to need you to help me carry him to Parts and Service."
He put a portal in front of us, and gave me a reassuring, but worried smile.
Me and him picked up Moon, brought him through the portal, and rushed him to Parts and Service.
I was still panicking and in tears as I called Monty while Sun put Moon on the operating chair inside of the protective chamber.
"Hey, hey, slow down kid. What happened?" Monty said on the other side of the phone as I panicked and desperately tried to explain everything through tears.
I took a deep breath and tried again, "Moon-... fell in-... water-..." I paused to breathe. "Fried... he's fried... Parts and Service... we need you in Parts and Service-..."
"Okay, okay. I'll be there shortly. Try to stay calm."
Monty broke the connection and Sun walked up behind me.
"You okay sunshine?" He asked.
I was breathing heavily as he put his hand on my shoulder.
I tried to calm down and answer him, but all I could say was: "Is he gonna be okay?"
Sun immediately hugged me. "He'll be okay Sunshine."
I buried my head in his chest. "I love you Sun."
He rubbed my back and rested his face on the top of my head. "I love you too Sunshine."

Monty got there and checked on Moon.
"I don't know," He said. "He's pretty fried..."
More panic started to rise in my chest.
Sun spoke up: "You can fix him can't you?" Monty shrugged and sighed. "I can try."
I grabbed Sun's hand and he squeezed it.

After hours of Monty doing tests and repairs, he walked back over to us.
I prepared myself for the worst.
"I think I'm able to fix him." He said.
My face lit up. "If this is one of your pranks Monty..."
"No it's not don't worry. I don't joke about this stuff."
I nodded and Monty went back over to Moon.

After what felt like years Monty called us over.
"He's ready," He said. "You want me to turn him on?"
I looked at Sun and he nodded.
I turned back to Monty. "Yeah..."
Monty nodded and turned Moon on.
His eyes lit up and he groaned.
"I'll leave you guys alone with him." Monty said.
"Okay, thank you Monty." Sun said.
"No problem." He turned and walked away.
When Moon was a little more awake, I said, "Moon?..."
I instantly hugged him tightly and started crying.
"Oh... hey Starlight." He hugged me back.
"I love you too." I said, as if to respond to what he said before he shut down.
He squeezed me tighter.
Sun stepped closer. "How are you feeling brother?"
"Okay I think." Moon said, giving Sun a weak smile.
I continued to sob as I clung to him.
He rubbed my back. "Hey... Starlight? It's okay, I'm okay now." He smiled down at me even though I couldn't see it.
"That was... horrifying... I love you- so much, I..." I clung to him even more.
"I love you too Starlight."
I cried for a bit longer, and then Sun helped me up.
Moon also slowly got up.
We exited the protective chamber, and Moon tested walking around.
"Everything seems fine." He said.
I grabbed his arm and we started walking back to the daycare.
"Starlight? You did a really good job. Thank you."
"Yeah," Sun chimed in. "You did really well sending me your location."
I wiped a tear away. "I'm sorry I didn't text you any context. I was panicking..."
"Hey, hey don't worry about it! You still thought to do it and did it! That's really good for being panicked." Sun said.
"Yeah," Moon agreed. "You did extremely well for someone in that situation. You're the reason I'm even here right now."
"Thanks." I continued clinging to Moon's arm. "I love you guys..." I said.
"We love you too Starlight." Moon said.
"Yeah!" Sun agreed.


Alright hopefully you liked it, byeeeeeeeee!!

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