Chapter 10en:

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Felix POV:

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Felix POV:

" Here__" I frowned, handing a cup of coffee to.....what's his name again? Heumin, Hoseung, Honjeong ugghhhh whatever! after he dropped me off at my house, he refused to leave unless I welcomed him inside and make him a cup of coffee. Initially I thought he was joking cuz who drinks coffee at 11pm in the night??

But he stubbornly waited in my garage__i wasn't sure if he had plans to leave at all.

" Mm this is nice." He smiled, showing his pearly white. " This is the best coffee I've had. Perfect coffee made by perfect hands."

I rolled my eyes.

Was he trying to be flirty....? Scoffs well strangerrrr it doesn't work on me.

" Umm.... what's your name again?" He asked.

Chinchãã ( really) sooo he just said my name a while ago now he's pretending not to know...? Huh haa.🙄🙄

Tell him. Don't tell him. Tell him. Don't tell him. Tell him. Don't___

"Fe....lix." I made sure my name came out slurred.

" Ohhh Yes! Felix."  The way he said my name.

Õmo__" Y_your accent--"

" Ahh yessss. I was born and raised in America. I recently just got back to Korea.....two weeks ago." He said, smiling.

Ohh well he looks more handsome when he smiles.

FELIX! What are you doing?!
Get a grip of yourself will ya 😳😳

I would've thought he was lying but his accent was very different....his pronunciation unlike anyone's I've heard.

" Okay."

Suddenly I felt his heated gaze on me. On my lips to be specific. I stared at him weirdly cuz why was he staring at me like a..... I don't even know the words to describe it. ( A lost soul....? Headless chicken....? A monkey??!)

" You have a nice place." He said, still staring at my lips.

" Thanks."  I know what he wants to do-- he wants to start a conversation. Yh? Then it'll lead to the unspeakable.... Just like how hyunjin tamed me.

The only difference is___ I was naive then but not anymore.

" You live alone?" He asked.

What do you think? I mean_do you see any other person here.....

" Yes."

He nodded. " Cool_"

I hummed.

" But don't you get scared?" Here we go again.

I rolled my eyes__" lemme ask you you stay alone or are you still a mummy's boy?"  I mocked him, since he was really getting on my nerves.

" Huh? No! " He practically yelled in my ears, dropping his cup. " I stay alone. I and my mum aren't close like that. Definitely not mummy's boy."

" Good. So do you get scared?" I directed the question back at him.

" No. " he said, and I raised my brow ( I guess that answer's it all.)

" Well....I don't get scared because I have security and whatnot?!" I said.

" Ohh yea."

After a while of silence.

I looked at wrist watch ( 12:24pm) I stared at him back to the cup he shattered on the floor. I just got that cup last week because I really liked it and now he broke it. I regret giving it to him.

" I'm sorry." He said, lowly.

I'm sure he noticed how intensely I was staring at the cup.

I bit my lips___i wanted to cuss him out but that wouldn't bring back my cup.... now would it?

" Yh. You should leave now. I have to get to bed early. " I said, wow I myself could hear the anger laced in my voice.

" Ohh okay. But can I use the restroom first?" He pouted, blinked his eyes.

*Sigh*   (I should've never agreed for him to drop me off.)

" Okay. But you have to use the one upstairs, the guest toilet is under repair. The third room upstairs is my room, you can use the toilet. And make it quick. " I pointed at the broken pieces on the floor. " I'll just clean this up."

" Okay. " He smiled, but I glared at him.

I laughed, when he almost fell on the stairs while he was running.  Foolish.


I sighed, fell on my couch after I was done cleaning up the mess that fool made.

Speaking of the fool..... what's taking him so long? He's taking ages just to pee.

I forcefully pushed myself off the sofa because I'm exhausted and tired. I still haven't had my drugs and the doctor instructed me to sleep early but here I am still awake at (12:50).

I lazily walked my way upstairs, got inside my room____


The first thing I saw made me halt in my steps. Fear...anxiety....panic....mixed feelings erupted my whole body.

H_he h_he found it.

My secret.

I held my breath as hot tears streamed down my cheeks.


" Y_you are PREGNANT??!"


Thanks for reading😜😜

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So I know this is a short chapter....but that's what I anticipated. I don't want this chapter long or anything. Buh next chapter will be longer.

Take care and stay safe y'all 🥰🥰


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