Chapter 02

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I hear sound coming from a distant. It's so disturbing, I reach for it and my hand came in contact with my phone, it's the alarm. Squinting my eyes I looked at the time. It's ten minutes to seven. I jerked awake remembering why I wanted to get up early in the first place, and now I'm late. Well I still have time if I quickly freshen up I will surely make it before breakfast. With this thought I dashed towards the bathroom.

I got dressed in a cotton kurta and Palazzo, tying my hair loosely at the nape of my neck with few loose strands framing my face. I quickly check the time, twenty minutes past seven. Alright I have time, I can do this. I left my room And took the stairs to the second floor. Twisting my fingers and cracking my knuckles I went through the hallways. Now I stood in front of his door, with clammy hands , I quickly swiped them on my kurta and raised my hand to knock at the door.

"Yes. Come in." He called in his calm but authoritative voice. I twisted the doorknob and went inside. The rich scent of ciderwood and spices filled my nose as soon as I stepped in. There he stood majestically by the bed where his suit jacket laid neatly, scrolling through his phone, probably replying to some work e-mails. He hasn't noticed me yet and I can't help but gaze at him noticing how his finger swipe at the screen or how magnificent his side profile is or the fact that I have been staring at him for far too long and I need to come out of it. I took a deep breath composing myself and called him.


Hearing my voice his shoulders stiffened and his finger which was scrolling his phone stilled.

"Do you need something?" He asked without looking at me.

"N-no, I mean yes. I wanted to talk to you." I stammered, feeling like a child asking for permission to go outside and play.

"Is there a specific reason for this talk of yours. Should I be calling my lawyers." He drawled lazily without any shred of emotion, like he didn't just insinuate that I was talking about breaking the terms of our contract.

"You sound happy thinking about the divorce. But no I'm not here for that discussion." I marched and stood infront of him

"How can I be happy when I have so much to loose, should you choose to walk out of this arrangement." He lifted his head and looked me dead in the eyes.

Those eyes. Those heartbreakingly gorgeous eyes darker than the night sky, stared at me and I was struggling not to avert my eyes from his.

"And you think I don't" I hissed.

"I don't have time for this" he exhaled while gesturing between us. "Maybe we can continue this after I return from work." He threwed at me sarcastically.

"No. It's important." I countered standing my ground. The vein in his neck was getting more prominent and I feared it would pop anytime now.

We both remained silent for a moment. "Meet me at the breakfast table in five." He instructed.

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