Chapter 18

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I descend the stairs; a servant helped me in a seat beside my husband. I've noticed that Adhrit is very religious about having breakfast, I know because I've never seen or heard of him skipping breakfast. He would probably forget to have lunch but breakfast is a must for him.

A servant started serving me and I thanked him after he filled my plate with scrambled eggs and pancakes which were garnished with berries and dusted with powdered sugar, yum. I look over at Adhrit's plate that contained toasts, scrambled eggs, a generous serving of leafy greens; maybe spinach and kale along with avocado. And he was currently enjoying his morning essential aka black coffee. I didn't find any pancakes in his plate though but then again, him indulging in sugar... oh the horror. A laugh bubbled up in my throat as I imagine his face.

"What is the matter?" I turn my head to look beside me. he wasn't looking at me instead working on finishing his breakfast.

"Nothing." I reach for the glass of orange juice and take a sip.

"Why aren't you eating then?" he jerks his head towards my plate which is still untouched.

"I am." Saying, I held the knife and fork and started digging in.

We ate in silence and I was working on finishing the food quickly so we could leave early as Adhrit has to go to the office and I did not want to make him late. Well, not any later than he's already going to be by accompanying me.

He lifts his head up from his plate to look at me, he saw my hastiness, "You do know that you should chew the food properly before swallowing it, right?" Adhrit remarks, tilting his head a little to the side.

Still chewing and trying to swallow I replied rolling my eyes, "Off course I do but you'll be late if I don't..." I stopped mid-sentence, for the food in my mouth was too much and I was on the verge of choking. I brought a hand to my neck and kept it there. Caressing with a little pressure so to ease out the path and help in swallowing. I clutch the fork in my hand with more force, resulting in the knuckles turning white. My eyes got filled with tears. 'Oh my god! Am I going to die? Is it possible to die like this?'

"Anahita?" I hear his voice, laced with concern. Turning my head to face him, I found his eyes on mine. Taking note of the tears that were ready to fall down. He got up with start, taking the glass of orange juice that was placed near my plate. Forwarding the glass towards my lips which I took with a shaking hand and started gulping the contents down while blinking the tears away. I released a calming breath that came out as a sigh after escaping my near-death experience.

"Better now?" I heard him asking from behind me. In my fit of distress, I didn't even realize when he came up behind me and had started patting my back gently but with a definite firmness to help me.

I peer up to find his face looming over me. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you." I said clearing my throat and putting the now half empty glass back in its place on the table.

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