Chapter 16

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I liked being here with her, liked following her around the garden. I witness the enthusiasm in her voice, as she talked nonstop, about her precious flowers. She seemed freer with me today, more comfortable than last night. And I find myself relaxing with her too. Forgetting about everything else, just focusing on the moment. Living in the absolute beauty of present.

Of course, I have my handkerchief with me but I don't know what came over me and I lied. Maybe I expected that she'd do something like, helping me with her dupatta and maybe I was anticipating it a bit too much. Her concern for me caught me off guard and left me speechless but, I wouldn't say I didn't like it because I did. I did like it when she ordered me to go and get the cut treated, I did like our unintentional and accidental touches.

She asked, why I don't like to receive compliments and I was right about one thing that, she always manages to look inside me. Peer inside where, no one else has bothered to do so, not even myself. That is why I didn't know how to reply to her sudden question. Her observation made me think about it and, as I stand there reflecting on my actions, I noticed that she is right. It threw me off guard and I didn't know how to convey in words what I was feeling. Her touch brought me back from mulling over it more and I noticed I had her hand in mine. Clutching on it as if it was my only source of knowing, that everything is alright.

I admire her effortless beauty as she enjoys herself. Moving her hand delicately over the leaves and petals while she walks ahead of me, stopping near some bushes to take a closer look or reaching for some flowers which caught her attention, to take a sniff. Humming to herself, she looks like she's in her own world. A world that is hers alone and where she's actually living and not just trying to get through the day. Maybe she'll let me be part of her world someday. I can't see her face as I'm walking behind her but seeing her relaxed posture, I know if she'd looked at me now, I would find the serenity in those brown eyes.

I savour her little antics while she struggled with the flower as she tried to put it in her hair, the frustration clearly visible in the way her hands were holding it. I caught hold of her hands after her another attempt of doing it but. Her stubbornness wasn't allowing her to stay still and let me do it for her and she kept grumbling how she could have done it on her own.

I slide my hands over her arms, relieving it from the task and brought it down. My palms touching her through the fabric of her kurta but I could feel the delicate and slender shape of it. What would it be to touch her without the barrier. I gulp down, trying to mask the sudden change in my breathing although it wasn't helping that her bare neck except for the thin black beaded chain was right in front of me, curtsy of the messy bun she's sporting. My brain which seemed to have forgotten about the circumstances, was screaming at me to just go ahead and put my lips over the delicate curve.

I shook my head, trying not to go insane with the unpredictable way that my brain is working. I focused on the task ahead.

I saw, how her eyes closed as I help her with her hair and I liked it so much. Knowing that I'm not the only one who's feeling all this, is kind of assuring to me or else god knows how hard I'm trying to understand what I'm feeling lately.

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