Chapter 17

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Who is this person walking beside me and, what did he do to my husband? This is not at all how Adhrit behaves. This spending time with me while pretending that he wants to enjoy the sunshine and greenery, give me a break. Yes, I know he lied. Not that I'm complaining.

Being this free, away from his precious study and showing me his entirely different side. Holding my flowers for me and even helping me in picking them while jesting and humouring me, I hadn't expected it from him. When he volunteered to help me, I thought we would both be silent the whole time or if we manage to start talking it'll be just like yesterday night, awkward and a bit strained but I never thought that I'd actually enjoy it.

No doubt he's quite pleasing to look at. No, who am I kidding he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen and I would surely waste my time trying to sneak glances at him. After the marriage, even though we had separate chambers and were keeping to ourselves. My eyes would seek his charismatic frame whenever he'd leave for work or when he'd return late at night. Off course he doesn't know that I would deliberately go downstairs to the kitchen with empty jug in hand late at night while he had his dinner, in the pretence of filling water, just so I could watch him for a bit longer, admire him for a bit longer than the fleeting seconds from my balcony as he'd walk out of the house and think of those beautiful raven hair shining in the morning sun. I'd stand there behind the sheer curtains, and wish in earnest that he would just turn his head, look up towards my balcony and allow me to take in his strong but well-proportioned features and store it in my head. I wanted that, at least once I'd get to see his face as he left for the day.

It's like I have a crush on him and spending time with him has only managed to fuel it. Even now as we are heading towards his bedroom, I can still feel the little fluttering in my chest. He opens the door and waits for me to go inside.

"Now that we've established the fact that I got injured because of you, don't you think it's your responsibility to treat it?" I hear him speak, following me inside the room.

I halt in my steps and turn to face him, "we have established no such thing. And what do you mean by I got injured because of you?" I try to impersonated his deep baritone. "Don't put the blame on me when you were the one who didn't heed to my cautions, while I was trying to keep you away from harm." Folding my arms over my chest I raised an eyebrow at him.

His lips curl up in a smile. That smile. I am seeing plenty of it today. I have seen him smile before but laughing, no. And I was blessed to witness his rich laughter earlier. The deep voice managed to keep me transfixed and then that dimple on his left cheek, hidden by the light stubble but still managed to make its appearance known, I gasped when I saw it. It was like my eyes had a mind of their own and they weren't ready to blink even for once. I have seen him smiling before but today that smile was directed towards me, not some paparazzi. That laugh with the dimple was because of me and I was looking at it in person rather than in a front page of newspapers or the cover of some business magazine.

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