Chapter 8

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I woke up early, but my girlfriend was still sound asleep beside me.

I watched her for a while, admiring her beauty.

Gently, I brushed her hair back and softly kissed her lips.

I couldn't believe how our relationship had evolved.

I'd liked Cassi for a long time but had feared ruining our friendship if I confessed my feelings.

Recently, however, our actions had surpassed mere friendship, and Cassi had shown she cared for me more than a friend.

Deciding to let Cassi sleep in, I got out of bed and took a quick shower in her bathroom.

I found some clothes I kept in her closet and got dressed.

Knowing Cassi hadn't packed yet for our trip, I took the initiative.

I pulled a suitcase from under her closet and started packing for her.

I selected several dresses, a few nightgowns, and some of her undergarments.

I even packed her a swimsuit, remembering the layout of our destination included a pool.

I added toiletries and a few pairs of heels.

Satisfied with my packing job, I closed the suitcase.

Cassi was still sleeping, so I decided to go downstairs to see Tita Cath.

In the kitchen, Tita Cath was cooking breakfast.

I greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Tita Cath."

She looked up and smiled back. "Good morning, Kalix. Did you sleep here?"

I nodded. "Yes, Tita. Cassi is still asleep. We have a busy day ahead."

Tita Cath nodded, her expression turning serious. "Take good care of her during the trip. It's quite far, and you'll be gone for several days."

I nodded earnestly. "I will, Tita. I promise. Where are Tito Cameron and Cassi's brothers?"

Tita Cath seemed reassured. "I know you will. By the way, your Tito Cameron and her brothers left early this morning. They had some errands to run."

I smiled, grateful for her trust. "Thank you, Tita. I'll make sure we stay safe."

During our conversation, Tita Cath's eyes twinkled with excitement. "Oh, by the way, Kalix, Cassi told me something."

My curiosity piqued. "What did she say Tita?"

Tita Cath beamed. "She told me that you two are officially boyfriend and girlfriend now. I'm so happy for both of you!"

My face lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy. "Thank you, Tita."

Tita Cath nodded enthusiastically. "And she seemed excited about it."

I couldn't contain my happiness. "I'm really lucky to have Cassi."

Tita Cath patted my shoulder affectionately. "You two make a lovely couple."

She prepared breakfast for us and handed me the tray. "Here, take this up to Cassi. You two can eat in her room."

I chuckled. "Aren't you joining us, Tita?"

She shook her head, smiling. "I have a shopping date with your mom. We'll eat out."

I laughed. "Shopping again? You two love it. Take care, Tita Cath."

She also laughed and said, "Thank you Kalix," as I kissed her on the cheeks and bid her goodbye.

I took the tray upstairs and heard the shower running in Cassi's bathroom.

I set the tray on the bedside table and knocked on the bathroom door. "Cassi, I need to grab a few things from our house. I'll be back soon."

Cassi's voice came through the door. "Okay, I'll wait for you."

As soon as I entered our house, I saw my dad.

My mom, on the other hand, was just about to leave with Tita Cath.

I kissed my mom on the cheek and bid her goodbye, mentioning that I would be gone for a week.

My mom reminded me to take care, especially with Cassi around.

She left, clearly excited about their shopping trip.

I was about to head to my room when my dad called me over.

"Kalix, can we talk for a moment?" he asked.

My heart raced a bit. "Sure, Dad. What's up?"

He looked at me with a knowing smile. "Your mom mentioned that something is going on between you and Cassi. Is that true?"

I felt my cheeks warm up. "Uh, yeah. She's my girlfriend now, and we like each other."

"And she also mentioned you two kissed," he continued a hint of amusement in his voice.

My embarrassment deepened. "She told you that too?"

My dad chuckled and tossed a small box to me, which I caught instinctively.

My eyes widened when I saw what it was—condoms.

"Dad! We're not... we haven't... I mean, we're not at that stage yet," I stammered.

His expression remained calm. "I know, son. It's just in case of an emergency. You'll be away for a week, and sometimes things happen."

I couldn't deny the truth in his words.

Just last night, I had struggled to keep my composure around Cassi.

"Thanks, Dad. But really, we know our limits," I replied, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"That's good to hear. Just remember, never do anything if one of you isn't ready. Mutual respect is important," he advised.

I nodded. "I know, Dad. We won't do anything reckless."

His smile grew warmer. "Your mom and I support you and Cassi, but always remember to be responsible."

After saying goodbye to my dad, I pocketed the box and headed to my room.

I grabbed the bag I had prepared for our trip and checked my list to ensure I had everything I needed, including the materials and gadgets Cassi and I would use.

The Gentleman's Intoxicating Devotion (Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now