Chapter 47 : ' Chapter 1'

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I'm bored lying down, waiting to get better... so here it is... 🥲

Please excuse all the mistakes 🤒.

It's been a few months since everything turned around for Namjoon and his life has transformed in ways he never thought possible. After all the turmoil, he sold his apartment and moved back into his family's house temporarily, while he prepares for the next chapter of his life.Recently, he made a significant step forward by purchasing a new spacious penthouse apartment ...that was his way of letting go of the past and embracing a new beginning. And unlike before, Namjoon is personally involved in every detail of the apartment's decoration. He wanted to ensure that the space reflects not only the person he's becoming but also the future he envisions with Jungkook.

On the personal side, the change in Namjoon was undeniable. The heaviness that once weighed him down has lifted and it's very evident in everything he does. His movements are more relaxed and his smile had become more genuine and there is a lightness in his overall presence that wasn't there before. His family and boyfriend could clearly see that the past that once haunted him no longer holds power over him and the burdens that clung to his shoulders have finally been shed.

Namjoon was still committed to his therapy ..there was still a long road of recovery ahead of him and Dr Chen was delighted to see Namjoon liberating himself from his past, becoming more confident and now he worked in helped him to becoming more confident and bringing the crimes and atrocities he endured into the light of justice. But beyond the therapy sessions and the hard work of healing, Namjoon is now living a life he once thought was out of reach. And since he was surrounded by love and support of his family it was not impossible for him to recover completely ..And he is no longer just surviving...he is truly living his life to the fullest.

"The bastard is still on the run!!" Hobi muttered as he sank onto the couch beside his father, his voice laced with frustration. "He escaped that motel in Jeonju...But we got new proof that he used to bring prostitutes over whenever Auntie was away and he was on those so called business trips..for his new bussiness"

His father clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white with anger. "Bastard... what business? It was just an excuse for spending Dae's money! I'm sure his brothers are going to disown him the moment they know about all this.. Your mom's family is all about their reputation and he is just a stain in the family"

Hobi nodded and his expression darkened as he continued. "I got in touch with his old assistant" he said, keeping his voice low. "A little bit of pressure from my men and he spilled everything. The assistant knew a hell of a lot—that's probably why that asshole helped him get out of the country. He was with him until his company tanked. So he helped us connect the dots. Now we have got solid proof of the illegal stuff he did in his old business..that led to it's downfall. And with what Auntie helped us find, we have got enough evidence to nail him for smuggling, money laundering and a bunch of other shady deals. As far as the assistant knows, he hasn't hurt any more kids and he seems unaware of what happened to Joon hyung. So maybe he did it all for whatever sick reason he had."

Jinyoung listened intently before speaking up. "Are we tracing him again? How long before we can get our hands on him? We shouldn't have let him go that day... I was too emotional, I didn't think it through."

Hoseok nodded, regret etched into his face. "Me too. I was only thinking about hyung at that time. But Auntie filing for divorce is the nail in the coffin. She froze his accounts, so he'll be stripped of everything. He lost his business years ago, and now there's no money in his name. It's only a matter of time before he shows up desperate and gets caught. He can't go to anyone in our family too...He'll be behind bars soon enough, Dad."

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