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boothill's relationship with his parents is... ineffable.

the man is close to his father, sure- but that's only because he was raised alone by the old man. his mother on the other hand left them the moment boothill turned six- saying that her dreams would be fulfilled in the city and not in a small town that he likes to call home.

he didn't know why he kept the memory of her leaving like a phantom looming over him at all times, nor could he explain why he feels a pang on his chest whenever families would reunite at the run down bus stop just on the outskirts of town.

the feeling of solitude lingers at the back of his head whenever he stops by and checks on the folks coming into their town- the man that usually had a sanguine aura now having a dark cloud above him. it was like something was missing- like someone should've been part of the crowd.

he couldn't explain why he felt the need to just see her even once, hear her voice and call him by the name she had unfortunately given him. it's something that he keeps hidden to this day, not letting anyone call him that unless it was the old woman who he still calls mother.

"son, a letter came for ya again." edie called out from outside his office, snapping his twenty year old son out of his thoughts as carmine eyes landed on the closed door.

the dual hair-colored man was on duty today inside the station as his father did his usual routine check around town, and he opted to sleep the day off if it weren't for the fact that his mother's monthly letters arrived.

"comin'." he called out, letting out a grunt as he stretched his body- he had his feet on the table and back arched uncomfortably while trying to sleep, causing him to stand up in discomfort.

his usual hat is nowhere to be seen, as his two toned hair cascaded down his shoulders and back, bangs covering one of his eyes as he blinked the sleep off of them.

by the time he got to the door, his father handed him the letter. it was thicker than usual- with what seems to be a card inside the sealed envelope as he took it with much hesitance.

will it be her telling him that she's too busy to visit? or will it be her persuading him to meet his stepfather once more?

there was a hint of wistfulness in the air as he slowly opened it, anticipating to see that she was finally going to come visit him and his old man.

oh boy was he wrong.

his mouth never turned to a frown quicker than now, brows furrowed in annoyance and slight hurt as his hands clenched themselves, threatening to crumple the sob excuse of a paper.

it was an invitation.

an invitation to his mother's baby shower.

when she told them she'll be pursuing her dreams in the city- he thought it was more so career wise. but seeing the bold font in front of him, he knew that having a child was one of them. well, a child that wasn't like him apparently.

boothill had the faintest idea that most women in this town long for a city folk to whisk them off their feet and take them to the city of dreams- he just never expected his mother to be the same.

it was always the city, and never him.

"what she say now? she comin'?" his father asked him, raising a brow at how silent his son was being.

despite his outward appearance and overall personality, boothill is someone who holds onto promises rather personally. if you promise something, you better make it happen one way or another. that's how he gets the kids around here tamed, because even though he looks like a fugitive, his promises to spend time and play with them would always happen.

𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. - 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now