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vote and comment! (sorry, i js came back from a fever lol)

this week seemed to be going all too well for the cowboy and infamous city girl. due to the town's preparation for the annual festival, y/n stayed indoors the majority of the time while boothill mainly assisted in patrolling the borderd, as well as overlooking the shipment for the materials needed.

it wasn't an extravagant festival known throughout the country- it's merely a small one that celebrates the blooming of flowers now that they're in season, as well as the abundance of harvest.

however, no matter how small the town is considered to be, they uphold this tradition close to their lives, as it symbolizes the hardships their ancestors did to have the life they have now.

which is why our protagonist is wondering why she was needed to attend the opening of the festival, adorned in a simple dress that emma lent her and her head stacked with three flower crowns that the children gave her.

no one told her she would be one of the stars for the show.

luckily for her, the heat was bearable- with a tent hanging up on the town square to protect their skin from the harsh rays of the sun.

her friend left her the minute they arrived in town to look for stan, as he's going to be hosting the rodeo that will be held tomorrow night- leaving her all alone as she was surrounded with locals joyfully enjoying the celebration that's in full swing.

to say that she's amazed is an understatement, she's in awe and fascinated at the fact that such a town could host a beautiful festival that not even the city could celebrate. the best they could do was hold a parade- but since the city is known to be bustling and hustling all the time, a festival would hinder their livelihood.

gentle (e/c) eyes watched as the kids ran around, handing people flower crowns that they made and vendors selling beautifully arranged flowers for cheap. although this festival is simple, it paled in comparison to how content and lively the folks were being.

everyone was enjoying themselves, and the (h/c) haired girl was content that she wasn't the center of attention anymore as everyone ran around with their friends and love ones.

"ya look like shit. what? finally acceptin' that the city life ain't cut out for ya?"

she stood corrected.

she knew that her day was going too smoothly after spending nearly a week inside her bedroom and not seeing the idiotic cowboy.

y/n turned around with a frown, eyeing the man who stood there in all his country glory- sporting in his jeans and polo with the top buttons off, showing a sliver of his skin as his suspenders were worn in an half-assed manner that made no efforts to hold his pants up as it rested on his hips.

oh how she wanted to force-feed him his hat to wipe that disgustingly charming smirk from his face.

it didn't help either that his hair was tied to a low ponytail, or how his sleeves were rolled up his arm to showcase his surprisingly fair skin- what soap is he using to stay fair while working under the sun?

"you look even worse, is that why no girls are approaching you?" she jabbed, earning a hearty chuckle from the man as amusement glinted in his carmine eyes.

"harsh- i ain't a charmer for no reason darlin'. they'll come eventually."

"yeah- come running the opposite it seems like."

their week really isn't complete without striking an argument with one another over the smallest of things- last week, they argued about the snails they saw on the field, and held a snail race.

news flash, both of them lost after a bird swooped their racers off.

boothill wouldn't admit it out loud, nor would he even write about it- but y/n looked... pretty decent today.

dressed in local clothing, her usual make-up done naturally as he finally got to witness the tinge of pink on her cheeks under natural lighting. her hair was done in a simple bun too- no doubt emma helping her to fit in.

she looked cute, as if she belonged in this town from the beginning.

he thinks that she fits in just perfectly, and that her outfit suits her rather than that stupidly expensive dress she wore when the two of them visited the creek- it tore off the moment he pushed her on the water and had to compensate by grooming henry's horse which was supposedly her chore to begin with.

the man didn't even realize that he was staring, snapping out of his thoughts when the (h/c) haired girl poked him on the forehead.

"you look dumb right now." he had to bark back a retort when he noticed how close her face was to his right now- feeling the warmth of her breath on his cheek as she continued to poke at his forehead.

with a grin, he teasingly raised a brow, tilting his hat higher to give him more access in seeing her up close.

"ya like what yer seein'?" y/n rolled her eyes at this, her mouth twitching as she leaned back and crossing her arms with a brow raised.

"i should be asking you that question. you look like you'd drool if you stare a little longer."

heat rushed up to his cheeks as he hid his eyes behind the brim of his hat, thankful at the unique haircut edie gave him that made the pinkish hue on his cheeks invisible from the distance between them.

"yer jokin'. as if i'd stare at yer face lookin' like a donkey slapped ya." (e/c) eyes glared at him, turning her attention towards the crowd around them as they all minded their own business by doing games or buying trinkets.

she'd be lying if she says that she didn't miss his snarky ass.

he'd be lying if he says that he didn't miss how content she looks whenever they're out together.

both of them would be lying if they say that they'll enjoy this week-long festival without interacting with the other.

"... wanna see how much balloons i can pop with a dart?"

"yer on- loser buys the winner a ground hog."

"a what?"


sorry for the short chap, i'm still resting since the meds make me drowsy af.

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