Chapter Six

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I was rudely awoken in the wee hours of the morning by a drop of water plopping right on my face just above the bridge of my nose. I opened one eye and kept the other squeezed shut as the water traveled down into the corner of my closed eye. I reached up, wiping the water out of my eye and looked up to notice another drop of water was already on its way down, this time hitting my bottom lip and dripping down my chin. The rain had started and it was coming in through my ceiling.

I got out of bed and pulled on the creaky wooden bed frame to move the bed out of the direct line of the leak in my roof. I mosied around the kitchen, searching for something to catch the rainwater with. I ended up finding a copper pan in one of the cabinets and figured that would do. The sound of the rain falling into the pan might even be like a nice white noise to fall back asleep to.

I managed to fall back asleep in no time but when I woke up in the morning, I was irritated to find that the leak in my bedroom ceiling was not the only leak in the farmhouse roof. I had found about three more spots throughout the kitchen and living room that had big, wet marks on the floor and a steady drip of water continually falling from the ceiling.

I grumbled as I searched for more pots to catch the rainwater from ruining the wood floor. I knew Emily would be here soon and all I had to welcome her with was a leaky roof and a single armchair in front of a fireplace. Great. I knew I had to go see that woman, Robin, in the mountains and ask her to help patch my roof and see if she had any furniture I could add to the farmhouse. Lewis had said she was the resident carpenter so she must have something I could use.

Just as I had placed the last pot down under the leaks, I heard a knock on the door indicating Emily must be here. I hurried over, opening the door to a smiling Emily in her red dress with a bright yellow raincoat draped over her head and shoulders.

"Hey!" Emily said, and I stepped aside to let her in and out of the rain. She took her jacket off and I offered to take it, though I really had nowhere to put it so I draped it on the back of the singular kitchen chair I had—embarrassingly, the only other chair I had in this place.

"Sorry about the pots all over the floor..." I said to her as we walked by one of them on our way into the living room with the one armchair. "The roof is leaking..."

"No worries! I'm just happy to be able to have a rainy girls' day." She said, sitting down cross legged on the floor. I sat down across from her and apologized for my lack of furniture. I felt like I was doing a lot of apologizing today. I started to think that maybe I should have waited to invite Emily over seeing as the farmhouse was in no shape for guests but Emily didn't seem to mind.

"I brought some of my crystals over. I hope that's alright." Emily said, reaching into her pocket.

"Crystals?" I asked. I knew that some spiritual people carried crystals around in their pockets for different reasons but Emily hadn't struck me as the spiritual type initially.

"Yeah!" Emily exclaimed. "Here, I'll show you." Emily pulled four stones from her pocket of all different colors. She set them all down on the floor in between us. There was a pretty green one, a sharp red one, a luminous yellow one and a mystifying purple one.

"Jade, for attracting wealth." She picked up the smooth green stone and laid it flat in the palm of her hand to show me. It was very pretty and made sense that a green stone would attract wealth.

She placed the green stone back down on the floor and picked up the next one. "Topaz, for soothing energy that helps re-center our thoughts." She informed me as she picked up the yellow oval shaped stone in between her fingers and held it up to eye level.

I found the topaz one to be really pretty as well. Yellow was my favorite color despite my ever so reclusive nature. Maybe I liked yellow so much because it reminded me of the sun, and warmth, and happiness. It reminded me of a time when I used to be happy—truly happy—like nothing in the world could ever permanently take away my joy.

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