Chapter Nine

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Abigail told me to meet her at the community center around noon time the following day. I genuinely hoped that she was calling to rekindle our friendship. Now that I would be staying in Stardew Valley for the foreseeable future, the last thing I wanted was to have to avoid her every time I went into town. Plus, if I was going to continue hanging out with Sam, my chances of seeing Abigail were ten times more likely and it'd be much harder to avoid seeing her.

I ended up heading over there early. I wanted to gain my bearings and mentally prepare myself for the conversation we were about to have. Mostly, I was anxious to find out what it was I had done to her to make her grow such a distaste for me—so much so that she refused to even look at me any time I was in the same room as her.

Leaving from the east entrance of grandpa's farm and past the broken down bus, I entered town. It was strangely quiet this morning in Pelican Town. There was an older woman in a red dress with buttons down the front, tending to one of the community gardens but she seemed to be the only one around. She had her thick, gray hair tied up into a large bun on the back of her head. She looked familiar, too, but I couldn't quite figure out where I knew her from. She was much older than a lot of the people in town so I wondered if maybe she had been a friend of my grandfather's. Mr. and Mrs. Mullner lived in Pelican Town when I was younger and they had been on the younger side of the population themselves back then, so maybe that was her? I wanted to stop and ask, but I knew I had to focus on Abigail and the inevitable confrontation I was about to endure. There was a set of stone stairs just to the left hand side right before the clinic building that led up to where the community center sat. My footsteps seemed to echo off the stairs with each step I took.

As I approached the top of the stairs, I saw a beautiful fountain surrounded by three wooden benches and just behind that was the playground that I fondly remembered. I sometimes used to think that Lewis had that playground built for Abigail and I. We were the only kids in town, but that playground certainly got a lot of use between the two of us. And as I looked closer, it seemed that it was still getting a lot of use. There were two kids playing on it, one I recognized from my first day here. The little girl with black pigtail buns and purple dress was playing with the same jump rope that I saw her with on that first day. There was a little boy on the playground with her as well. He had strawberry blonde hair, more strawberry than anything else, and was sitting on one of the swings, slowly pushing himself back and forth slightly with his feet that just barely touched the wood chips on the ground.

There was an older girl with them, too. She had red hair just like Robin but she styled it in two buns separated down the middle of her scalp at the base of her neck, similar to the little girl she was watching play on the playground. She wore a pretty yellow blouse that was so bright, it reminded me of the sun, and a plain brown skirt that just hit the top of her knees. She wore white ankle socks and mary jane shoes, looking like the classic good girl protagonist from a movie set in the 1950's. And she was so pretty.

There were four more wooden benches set up around the playground; two on the left and two on the right. The redhead girl was sitting on one of them and I decided to sit myself down on the other one next to hers. I still had time to kill anyway while I waited for Abigail, so I might as well take a seat and enjoy the day.

I considered taking my phone out to keep myself occupied while I waited, but instead I watched the two kids play and let myself reminisce about my childhood in Stardew Valley. When my father took me away that final summer, I didn't understand why and I never learned why for a long time. He had forced me to forget all about this place. Any pictures of my grandfather and I, the farm, my mother, and any other recorded memory there was of Stardew Valley was burned away in the campfire the night of that pathetic camping trip he had taken me on. He thought I was asleep inside the tent, but I watched him take every single memory of mine and let it turn to ash in front of our eyes.

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