Chapter Five

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I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't get the image of Sebastian out of my mind; leaning over that pool table and the way his dark eyes pierced my own. There was already something so intoxicating about him and I couldn't explain it. Maybe it was the way he carried himself—like he knew what kind of a hold he had on me and I'd only known him for a mere second.

I also thought of Sam. I was starting to really like Sam the more I talked to him. I'd never met anyone like him. Of course there had been skateboarders in Zuzu City. In fact, I had lived about two blocks away from one of the numerous skate parks there were but none of the guys who frequented those parks had that boyish charm that Sam had. And that tongue piercing was keeping me curious and my imagination running wild. He was absolutely adorable but I couldn't deny the fact that his mysterious friend gave me an insatiable hunger for him.

Okay, sure, Sebastian had me physically pining after him but for all I knew, he could be a complete jerk; someone I didn't want to associate myself with. But if Sam was friends with him, there could be no way that Sebastian was all that bad.

Great. I was already making exceptions for him. This was off to a strong start.

After a series of failed first dates in Zuzu City with the corporate finance men of the world, I felt like a kid let loose in a candy store with Sam and Sebastian. They were on the opposing side of the spectrum of men with their rebelliousness and carefree nature and the opposing side of the spectrum in relation to each other. They couldn't be more different. Sam with his blonde hair and energetic personality and Sebastian with his dark hair and melancholic attitude. I felt like an addict getting a fix and I couldn't stop. I wished my mind would stop flip flopping back and forth between the two of them. I supposed I just had to wait and see where this all went but my mind was too eager to wait or to sleep.

And then, my mind moved to the girl with the purple hair sitting alone on the blue couch. Abigail. Abigail... Why did that sound familiar? I pictured her face in my mind and how she refused to look directly at me. Her purple hair tumbling down in loose curls over her shoulders. That purple hair that she used to wear in a ponytail, raking her fingers through it as she bragged to me that her hair was magic. Abigail was the name of my purple haired childhood friend. And this Abigail, Sam's friend, was the same person.

As I shifted in bed to my other side, I laid there, staring into the darkness and wondering why Abigail refused to look at me the two times I'd run into her since I got here. I couldn't understand what I had done to her to make her avoid me—and it was clear she was avoiding me.

The last thing I could remember from my last time seeing her was playing in the abandoned community center like we always did, hunting for junimos. My grandpa came to find us and told me it was time to come home. I said goodbye to Abigail and left with grandpa. He told me I was going home, and he didn't mean back to the farmhouse. I didn't understand since the summer had just begun, but when we got back to the farm, my father was there to take me home without any explanation at all. I never saw Abigail again, until now.

Maybe she resented me for never coming back but how could that be my fault? How could she blame me for that? We had only been eight or nine years old. I had no control over what happened between grandpa and my father. I had no control over whether I came back to Stardew or not, also until now. She couldn't have been blaming me for that. So I continued to wonder what else I could have done to her to make her hate me so much that she refused to even look in my direction.

My eyes felt as heavy as my mind and though the numerous thoughts in my head made it feel impossible to sleep, I must've eventually succumbed because I was awoken by the morning sun rising through the window. So began another day in the valley.

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