Chapter Fifteen

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Needless to say, I was pretty sure Lewis wasn't going to pay me that sum of money he had promised in his letter, but the good news was I wasn't going to be joining Sam in the community service hours club either. A disgruntled Lewis had come by the following morning after the luau to give me my verbal lashings and express his deep disappointment in me, though he said he knew it hadn't been my idea. Lewis knew that when I was young, I had been easily influenced by Abigail and he said it appeared that nothing had really changed despite my extensive absence.

I told him I was deeply sorry for what happened the previous day and much to my surprise, he slipped me some money and bribed me to basically forget about the whole ordeal. Before I could object, he was making his way down the steps and away from the farmhouse as quickly as his short legs would carry him.

I sighed, stuffing the money in my pocket and closing the door, shutting me back inside the very humid farmhouse. The weather lately had been sticky and hot. It wasn't exactly ideal working weather but what else was I going to do today?

As if saved by the bell, the phone began to ring. I tried to guess who it would be this time. As far as I knew, not many people in town had the farmhouse phone number but more than just Lewis had it at this point and I knew it couldn't be him. So it was either Emily or...

"It's Abby!" She cheered on the other end of the line. "Sam and I are dragging Seb's pasty ass out to the beach today. You should come!" Abigail said.

"Oh," I paused for a moment. "I don't know..." I looked around the farmhouse at the boxes of furniture that Robin had dropped off for me a couple days ago. I had a lot to do around here that I had been neglecting for some time because of how damn hot it was outside; not that today was any better...

"C'mon Stella." Abigail coaxed, "What else were you planning on doing today? Farming? Boring."

It was a chance to see both Sebastian and Sam at once. It was also a chance to do something other than work. I had my bursts of social desires but had longer periods of time where I felt like my social battery was beyond drained, and I just needed to be alone to recharge myself.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed. "I'll meet you all down there. Are you heading out now?"

"Yep!" Abigail said, "Sam's already on his way to drag Seb out of bed. Why don't you meet us there in twenty?"

I agreed and hung up. I wasn't even sure I had any bathing suits that fit me anymore but I didn't necessarily have to go swimming. I could just go and enjoy the weather and the company. I decided to not even bother looking for a swim suit and instead decided on a pair of jean shorts and an old, oversized t-shirt. The baggier the clothes in this humid and hot weather, the better.

When I got to the beach, Abigail and Sam were already in the water, splashing each other and laughing as Sebastian stood broodingly at the end of the dock with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his friends. I made my way down the long stretch of wooden planks that made up the creaky dock and stepped up next to Sebastian's side. Bold of me, indeed, and I didn't know where this confidence had come from. Maybe it was the weather. Maybe it was my tanned summer skin that made me feel prettier than normal. I'd always liked myself better with my summer tan, and maybe that last look in the mirror before I left home was what helped swell my confidence.

"I wish it were raining." I heard Sebastian say so low that I wondered if he was speaking to me or himself.

I decided to take a gamble and respond, hoping he had been talking to me. "You don't like the beach?"

He turned his head slightly towards me so that I could see one of his eyes from underneath his dark bangs. "I usually stay inside, but I do come to the beach now and then." He said, "Pretty much only when it's raining, though." He squinted up at the sky for a moment and then looked back down at the water. "Or if I'm dragged here against my will by two idiots." He motioned to Sam and Abigail just down below us in the ocean still splashing each other and laughing.

The Anti-Social Social Club [Stardew Valley Sebastian x Female Player (OFC)]Where stories live. Discover now