Chapter Eleven

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I skipped the saloon that Friday night. I couldn't bear the idea of seeing Abigail again let alone subject myself to actually going and seeing her. Emily had called me late that night asking what happened to me and where I was. I told her I had just gotten busy working around the farm and lost track of time. Luckily she believed me but warned me I better come next Friday. I didn't have the heart to tell her I couldn't commit to that right now. It was going to depend on what the week looked like and if Abigail was going to find it in herself to forgive me.

Over the next few days, I felt myself retreating back to my old ways. I hadn't seen or talked to anyone in days. I spent a lot of my time working on the farmland, watching the weather channel or that fortune teller channel, of which had become my recent hyperfixation, and screening any phone calls that came in through the farmhouse landline.

On Thursday, after three full days of isolating myself, there was a knock on my front door. It better not be Emily trying to drag more information out of me about why I skipped the saloon last Friday. For a split second, I wondered if maybe it could be Abigail coming to make amends, but I knew she didn't have it in her to go that far.

As I opened the door, I saw a flash of familiar blonde gelled hair. My eyes widened when I finally saw his face.

"Sam!" I couldn't believe he was standing in front of me on my front porch right now.

"Hey!" He exclaimed with a smile. "I was just hanging out with Seb and figured I would stop by here to say hi on my way home." He explained, rubbing the back of his head bashfully the same way he had done on the day he almost ran me over with his skateboard. "I hope that was okay... Honestly, I just really wanted to see you."

Dammit, he was so fucking cute. "Uh, sure! Come in." I stepped to the side to let Sam in. I supposed I could break my social isolation for Sam.

As he stepped across the threshold and into the farmhouse, I began to panic as I remembered I still didn't have any of my furniture I had ordered from Robin yet. I literally had nowhere for him to sit except the floor and I couldn't let him sit on the floor. "Um..." I said, trying to stall and think of something, anything. "I don't really have a lot of furniture yet." I admitted. Honesty was the best policy, after all. "We can... we can sit on my bed?" Nice, Stella, nice. He was going to get the wrong idea now.

"Sure! That's cool." Sam said nonchalantly, clearly not thinking anything of it the way I thought.

Okay, that went better than I expected. He really was clueless, wasn't he? I led him across the kitchen and to the back of the farmhouse where my room was. I climbed up onto my sad single bed and sat at the head of it with my legs crossed in front of me. Sam got up onto my bed as well, and sat across from me at the end in the same fashion. The frame squeaked a little as we both got comfortable.

He looked around my dimly lit bedroom with its bare walls, a singular window and a rickety bedside table. "This place is pretty cool." He said. I wasn't sure if he was just being nice or if he really meant it. His eyes then settled on me and I felt my cheeks begin to flush and my stomach started to flip flop over itself. "Will I see you at the saloon this weekend?" His tone was so hopeful. "I—Uh, we missed you last weekend."

I sighed. I wanted to go to the saloon to see him, and more specifically his moody best friend, but Abigail would also be there and after what happened with her at the community center, I felt like I needed to lay low for the time being. Besides, if I showed up, she'd definitely start to think that I was infiltrating her friend group for my own selfish reasons since that's how she saw me—a selfish traitor.

"I...don't know." I said. Apparently I felt like being honest today. I really couldn't say for sure whether I would decide to show up or not.

"Why not?" Sam prodded.

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