Chapter Eight

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When I woke up the next morning, my very first thought was Sebastian. He was Robin's son? Of course he was. Weirdo Clint I could avoid, but Robin was going to be over my house more than anyone else which meant I was going to see Sebastian quite often. Well, if he ever leaves his room, that is. And I supposed I had the phone in the farmhouse. Everyone was slowly getting my number from Lewis and I could always just call Robin instead of going all the way up there. But I wanted to go all the way to the mountains if it meant that I had even the slightest chance of seeing Sebastian again.

I walked outside into another fresh, spring day. Robin would be coming by soon and I wanted to get all my various morning tasks done before she arrived. I'd started to form regular routines here just like I always had with grandpa. The longer I was here, the more I felt like the dark cloud above my head was starting to lighten from a deep, charcoal gray into a softer gray and eventually into a cotton white with the sun peeking out from just behind the fluff, the same way I always used to draw the sun when I was a child.

As I made my way back towards the front door, something caught my attention. Something looked different. I didn't think anyone sent letters anymore, so imagine my surprise when I saw that the little red, plastic flag on my mailbox was erect. That's what was different. I opened the small door to the mailbox and saw a single letter inside. I pulled it out and ran my fingers over the slightly bumpy paper of the envelope. On the front of the beige envelope was my name written in swirly cursive letters.

It was from Lewis:

Dear Stella,

In a couple days, we will be holding the Flower Dance. It's an annual spring tradition here in Stardew Valley and we'd love to have you join us for the first time. There's a little clearing beyond the forest west of town where we hold the dance.

If you can find a partner, you may even want to participate in the dance yourself!

We open the clearing promptly at 9 AM. Hope to see you there!

-Mayor Lewis

PS: I hope everything is going well. Let me know if you need anything.

I found this handwritten letter from Lewis strange but endearing. I hadn't received such personal mail like this in years and it made me feel like Lewis really did appreciate that I was here—that I had joined their little community and they were welcoming me into it.

I put Lewis's letter down on the kitchen counter along with grandpa's letter that I had found after my first night here. I took the furniture catalog Robin had given me and dropped it down onto the small, rickety kitchen table with a loud thud and sat myself down to flip through it. It was so big, and I wondered how I was ever going to get through everything. I didn't want to start tagging pages without having looked through everything. What if I found something I liked on page thirteen and then found something I liked even more on page twenty-five? I also had to decide what exactly it was that I needed. A couch would be nice rather than that dingy single armchair. Maybe a coffee table and three more chairs for the kitchen.

The knock at the door announced Robin's arrival and pulled me from my overthinking over furniture. I opened the door to reveal Robin, smiling at me with a large black bag of what I assumed was tools, as well as a leather tool belt strapped around her hips.

"Mornin' Stella!" Her voice was so chipper and I wondered how these people were always so damn happy first thing in the morning. I stepped aside to let Robin in and she asked, "Where do you want me to start?"

I led her to the leak in my bedroom first. I figured I would get that one out of the way so I could put my furniture back to where it was. I watched Robin from the corner of the room as she put down her duffle bag of tools and began setting herself up. She did a double take over at my embarrassingly old single bed and I could only imagine what she was thinking.

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