Chapter Twelve

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Spring had gone by in a flash. I had been here for a whole season now and already I felt like so much had happened, but so little at the same time. I made some decent money off the crops I grew through the spring but it certainly wasn't enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle. I also still owed Robin for the patches in the roof...

Summer had already begun to make its mark. The weather was so hot and sticky. Farming was not the most pleasant part of my days, but the tan I was getting was a bonus. I still hung out occasionally with Emily and of course still saw Sam whenever I went into town but I hadn't been to the saloon in a couple weeks. I just couldn't see Abigail again after what happened in the community center.

On Friday afternoon, I unfortunately ran into Emily on her way to work. I had been trying to avoid her but she practically cornered me in the town square, pouncing on me like a starving lion.

"Stella." She said my name with a hint of scolding. I knew she was upset with me for not coming out for the last couple weeks but I couldn't help it. Confrontation was my least favorite form of interaction and it was inevitably going to happen between Abigail and myself if I stepped foot inside that building on a Friday night. "I think you should just come out tonight." Emily encouraged, still with that weird hint of scolding in her tone.

"Emily..." I groaned. She had been asking me almost every single day if I would come out the next Friday. I'd told her about my quarrel with Abigail and Emily said it was just a stupid fight. If we were truly meant to be friends, we'd find our way back to each other. I wanted to believe she was right. I wanted to believe that that was part of the reason why I found myself back in Stardew Valley. But I could only do so much. Abby was going to have to hold up her end of it now.

"C'mon, Stella. You can't let one person ruin your fun." Emily continued to try and persuade me. "Besides, there's plenty of other places inside the saloon to hang out. You can just sit at the bar in the main room. You won't even have to see her unless you go into the pool room."

I guess Emily was right. I could still go to the saloon and not see Abigail. I hadn't thought about it that way. And why should I let her ruin my fun? If she wanted to continue to hate my guts, let her. It shouldn't bother me this much. I knew that if she ever had a change of heart, I'd happily welcome her back into my life. That needed to be enough for me.

I sighed. "Fine. I'll come." I agreed. "But only for a little bit." It was like exposure therapy. I'd stop in for one drink, maybe two, and then head out. My plan was to continue doing this for the next few weekends to get myself readjusted to the nightlife at the saloon and hope that I didn't run into my purple haired friend—if I could even call her that anymore.

By the time five o'clock rolled around, my anxiety was through the roof. What if, by chance, I did see Abby? What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? I placed a hand over my eyes and dragged it down my face as I groaned. I hated this feeling but I grabbed my keys and phone, stuffing them in the pockets of my jeans and made my way out the door, past the bus, through the cobblestone paths in town and down towards the big wooden building of the saloon. Lewis and the stout woman with the braid I saw him with the last time I was here were heading in just as I was rounding the corner.

As I walked through the door, that familiar sound of old timey music hit my ears and the soft chatter of the villagers around me just like that first Friday night I stopped by.

"Hey, Stella!" Willy called to me, waving as I passed by the front table he always sat at with Clint.

I waved back to him and flashed him a quick smile before making a beeline to the bar. Maybe a drink in me would calm my racing adrenaline.

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