Chapter Fourteen

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Sam had left fairly quickly after he walked me home. I invited him inside but he said he should be getting back home before his mom worries about where he is. After seeing how his mom treated him firsthand, I told him I understood.

The next morning as I stepped out onto my little front porch, I noticed the plastic red flag standing up on my mailbox again. It must be another letter from Lewis. He was the only one who seemed to send me snail mail.

When I looked inside, there were actually two letters addressed to me with that same swirly handwriting that had been on Lewis's first letter to me about the flower dance. The first one was from Lewis, as I had suspected, mentioning some annual luau that was happening down at the beach tomorrow. The second was also from Lewis but was so unlike him that I had a hard time believing it was really from him:


This is embarrassing... I lost my lucky purple shorts. I'm telling you because I think I can trust you. If you find them, bring them back to me DISCREETLY.

I'll pay well upon return.


—Mayor Lewis

I practically ran inside, leaving the front door open as I rushed to the phone. I dialed Abigail's number, disregarding what time it was, urgently needing to tell her what I had just gotten in my mailbox.

"Pick up, pick up." I begged as the line continued to ring.

Abigail finally answered with a muffled and groggy sounding "Hello?"

"Abigail." I said.

"Yoba, what, Stella?" She griped. "Do you know what time it is?"

"Abby, you have to come over right now." I stressed. She was never going to believe this unless she saw it for herself. I could hear her mumbling complaints to herself under her breath before she finally responded.

"Alright, alright. I'll be over in a few minutes." She grumbled on the other end of the line. I could tell she was grumpy for having been woken up earlier than she would have liked to be awake but I knew this was going to be worth her while.

It took Abigail about fifteen minutes to finally make it to the farmhouse but I paced back and forth with the letter in my hand for what felt like hours. When she arrived, I practically pulled her inside and closed the door behind her.

"Look at this." I handed her the letter that Lewis had sent me that morning. I watched her as her eyes jumped along the page with each word she read and her eyes grew wide as she progressed through the letter.

"No." She gaped, looking down at the letter still in her hands. Then, she looked up at me. "We have to do it." She said, something mystical dancing in her eyes at the idea brewing in her mind.

"Where would we even begin to look?" I asked. Lewis probably dropped them after he did laundry one day and accidentally kicked them under his bed or something. This seemed like a silly request from him and I honestly considered that someone, likely Sam, was playing a prank on me.

Abigail had a sly smirk on her face. "Rumor is that Marnie and Lewis have been having a secret affair." She informed me.

"Marnie?" I asked. I didn't think I had met Marnie yet.

"Shane's aunt. She lives in what used to be Mr. Sandoval's house. Remember the guy who used to sell all the farm animals?" Abigail said, assisting me with the gaps in my memory and the gaps in my knowledge of who is who in Stardew Valley.

"Oh, gotcha." I nodded, following along. Marnie must be the stout woman I always saw Lewis drinking with at the saloon on Fridays.

"Everyone in town has been talking about how they're secretly hooking up." Abigail continued with the gossip. "Seb told me that one time he was walking home from the beach late at night and heard weird rustling coming from a bush right near the stone bridge and then saw Marnie and Lewis come out of it together, both of their clothes disheveled and their hair a mess. How much you wanna bet that Lewis's shorts are somewhere in Marnie's room?"

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