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There's something so hauntingly beautiful about the ocean
It can pull you in and steal your breath
Fill your lungs
Drag you under
Show you its power
Demand respect
But I love the uncertainty
I envy the waves
Each drop a glistening sapphire beguiled by all
Breathtaking boundless waves crashing against the rocks and sand
Frightening yet alluring
Home to the most majestic creatures of the ocean deep
Each crashing wave like a breath filling you lungs before you let it go
Back and forth
In and out
I was always told to love it's beauty and fear it's power
Dark dangerous waves reaching for the sky above
Ready to swallow you whole and drag you to its eerie bottom
Keep you like a secret
Long hidden and never spoken of
Nostalgic air
Melancholy colour
Rhythmic reach up to the shore
Raging grace
The perfect combination
But what does it mean?
Well I suppose it's different for everyone
But to me the limitless sea is
Heavenly vicious
In all the best ways
I long the way it make me feel
I crave the tranquility
Desperately wish to feel the sun kiss my skin
The sand through my fingers
The breeze through my hair
I long to be as free as the sea
They say the ocean stands all alone
But I like to think the waves hold memories and meaning from years past
Holding close every last one
Reaching out for a new one every time it reached for the shore
I never feel alone next to the sea
I feel home...

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