Pain my old friend

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Pains a strange thing isn't it
It creeps up on you
Feeds on insecurity
Waits for a moment of weakness
Complete vulnerability
And attacks
Rips you open
Destroys your mind, body and soul
And leaves you bleeding out and gasping for air
As you crack beneath the pressure of maintaining a cool exterior
A calm unbothered look completely untouched by pain
Which abandons you after utterly annihilating you
Bruised heart crying and calling out for help
Which if the heart did cry
It would cry blood
Create a crime scene out of your life
Pristine reputation infected by suffering and woe
Ironically my pain has never left me lonely
Never let me wonder what life would be like without it
Pain is not a foreign concept to me
It's an all to familiar feeling
I easily notice its presence creeping into my life
Taking over my senses
Clouding my vision
Taking out my ability to cope
Although I never was good a coping
I'd shatter
Hit the ground and fall to pieces like glass
So many pieces you would never really find them all
Never be whole again
Pain is like the weather
Brutally inconsistent
Always changing
And I'm stuck with mine forever
Soulmates with it
Just lost in its storm
Wandering hopelessly
Stuck in its rainy weather
All inside the twisted maze of my mind
I used to fear pain
But fear isn't real
It's just an irrational emotional reaction to a situation
A situation you could learn to control
Cope with
But no one can control pain
No one can stop it when it races through your veins like lightning
Burning you from the inside out
Pain thrives in fear trust me
Yet it doesn't always mean dismay and anguish
Pain can signify healing
Wounds closing and being stitched back together
Alleviate the hurt
The end of suffering
And the beginning of healing

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