Alone Together

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I have never felt more alone than in your arms
And I never loved you more than when you said goodbye
We were bad for each other
I held you to unrealistic standards
And despised you when you couldn't meet them
But that never gave you the right to rip my beating heart out of my chest and stomp on it
We couldn't help it
Both of us to stubborn to break first
We'd rather kill each other than admit any wrong doing
I used to think that us challenging each other is what made us work
It didn't
I needed love and you didn't notice
You needed space and I didn't want it
We were two ships heading for the same sharp rocks
Fated to break and be buried in the ruins of our love
Such a beautiful word
So full of meaning and promise
But ours was stained
Infected by bitterness and woe
Lovers marked with death
Never to receive eternal peace
Only to be struck with our familiar agony forever
Twisted together like the vines that now cover our graves
Even after time's clock stops ticking
I fear I will still feel the familiar icy touch that I know to be yours in my mind
Reading my every corrupt thought
Overanalysing every move I make through the ill-lit maze of my distressed mind
And yet your still there
Your ghost wanders the halls of my home
Not leaving even one corner untouched
I see you in the corner of my eye
I see you standing behind me in the mirror
Emerald eyes piercing my sapphire ones
Unwavering unable to look away
Dear my poisoned love how will I ever forget someone as remarkable and wounded as you?
My knight
My nightmare
My bittersweet dream
I loved you
But I wish I never did
For your sake and for mine

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