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Music is everything
It's joy
It's sadness
It's the perfect way to express everything your feeling
From the crashing waves of regret
To the warm glow of happiness
It can be anything
I letter to someone you love
A lyrical poem to someone you lost
The perfect goodbye
The look across the crowded room
The feeling of being light as a feather with your go to record playing in the background as you lay in the familiar warmth of your bed
My personal favourite
I adore the songs with the deep meanings on the long hard days
But nothing is quite the same as the songs without meaning
That were written just for the art
Just for the beauty
Just for the sound
And yet I still long for the beauty and complexity of the songs written for that special someone
Written for the love of your life
Written for the loss of your life
For your heart
For your soul
Music is the invisible string that connects us all
Pulls us all together in the moments we need others
At our happiest and our weakest
That's what I love about music
I love that someone is the listening to my favourite song and feeling just how I feel
Feeling the dull ache of reality lessen
Feeling the light filter into their shut up heart and soul
Not just hearing empty words
Feeling the gravity of the words and sounds crash onto them with an overwhelming force that shocks you to your very core
I play the love songs to hear someone's story
Understand their intense passion
I play the sad songs to remember I'm not alone
The world isn't black and white
Humans aren't perfect
We make mistakes
Breaking down is normal
Music is many things
Music is an expression of who you are
Of culture
Of raw unfiltered emotion
Anything you want
The sound of your lovers voice
The comfortable silence
The distant fond memory with the distorted sound
A relaxed sigh
A breath of relief
Music doesn't have to be notes or singing
It just has to be irresistibly heavenly
" the music is not the notes, but the silence in between them"- Mozart

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