Until death do us part...

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Death is a complicated concept
You never know when your going to die
Or where
What your last words will be
So much pressure to pick the perfect ones
Who the last person you talk to will be
And the most popular question
What comes next
A flood of light welcoming you to the next chapter
Angels with pristine white wings
Or does it start again
New life, new person, new opportunities
Or the least popular
Does it just end
Eternal silence
Unable to think, breathe, feel
Just over
Maybe even forgotten
The only trace left
The ivy green vines that encase your tombstone
Twisting and grasping
Holding on tightly
Afraid to let go and leave you lonely
Trapped in the darkness of the ground
Suffocated if you had any air
My biggest fear is being alone
No one to turn to
No one to hold in the those final moments of panic
No one to whisper sweet nothings in your ear
Some people think death is beautiful
The ones who are ready
The ones who really lived
And rarely suffered
The ones who see light and not darkness
Able to embrace death not fear it
The ones who never wonder what if
The ones who cherish every moment
I long for that
Envy people who don't live in their minds
Who live their dreams
Who see life for the beauty that it can be
Who don't feel like their drowning in their own head
Hopelessly lost
Desperate to reach the surface
But never really getting there
So close yet wildly out of reach
I feel like that
My lungs burn
Craving air as the water gushes in
Screaming in silence
What if no one shows to the funeral
No one to hear I'm so sorry for your loss
Some people have the ability to completely destroy you
Utterly rip you open
I can do that to myself
I star in my own psychological thrill of a life
Life is interesting
And I fear it's end
Yet I also fear it will never end
Only get progressively harder as the years drag on
As time's clock keeps ticking
Keeps taunting us with when it will stop
Life is like a double edged sword
And although I will continue to be sceptical of fates fickle ways
I will do my best to grow fond of it
Until death do us part

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