Sans toi, je ne suis rien

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My love for you can only be described as golden
Sun filtering through white curtains
Bathing the whole room in warmth and tranquility
A sea of light
Shining across your skin like the stars burning bright in the night sky
Making you appear even more heavenly than you already are
Golden halo captured perfectly in the light
Angel wings almost visible
The epitome of sublimity
The definition of hauntingly beautiful
As soft and gentle as a dancer gliding elegantly through an empty room
Dancing just for themselves
Oblivious to the audience awestruck by their grace and charm
Light as a feather
Free as a bird
When I think about love
I think about you
I think about your brown caramel eyes
Staring deeply into mine
Communicating without words that we are eternal
I think about your pink rosy lips
Pressed softly against mine
So tenderly
As if your worried if you kiss me too passionately that I'll fall apart
Shatter like glass
A moment to perfect it made my heart hammer against my ribs
Coming apart at the seems
Bursting with affection and desire
I never knew how much I loved laughter until I heard yours
Now I say what ever is on my mind hoping it's absurd enough for me to be rewarded with the sweet sound of your voice
I hate it when we fight
All arguments seem so insignificant compared to how much I love you
And yet I'd still rather fight with you all day and night
Than spend one calm peaceful night with some else
I love your good days and your bad
I love our laughter and our silence
Simply lying next to you makes my heart race
Makes it pound against my chest
So hard I fear it will burst out
I long for your embrace
I loathe any distance between us
Words cannot express the intensity and depth of my feelings for you
But for you
I will spend my whole life searching for them
L'amour de ma vie

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