Undying time

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I find time so interesting
So delightfully endless
So many possibilities for what could happen
One day to the next
How easily everything can change in one single small second
Everything has to end eventually
But time doesn't
Time is free
It has no rules or limits
It's endless
Completely perpetual
Do you ever wonder if time could get lonely
Like a person could
Feel like anyone else
Long for comfort
Or do we simply believe it's just a concept
And not someone collecting our memories
Holding our fond moments close
To admire in years to come
When we have all since faded
I think that thought is comforting
That all of your most remarkable earth shattering moments of your life weren't just forgotten
Maybe written down in some archaic book that's since lost
But forever living on somewhere in times mind
Playing over and over on repeat
Shielding time for the dull ache of loneliness
Like ghosts drifting through empty halls
Eyes communicating what words cannot
Time heals all wounds
Time will give you all the seconds it can if fate is kind
To do everything you need
To meet everyone you can
To love
To lose
To fight
To hurt
Time is precious
Time sees everything and everyone
Keeps the most heavenly moments locked away
Keeps them like a secret never to be shared
Too perfect and powerful
Raw with emotion
Understood by someone who has seen everything
Without fault and idyllic
Even though time has seen it in everyone else before
It is bewitching every time
Times a funny thing
Something we will never fully understand
But I think I like feeling perplexed by its uncertainty
I long for the unknown
Yet with time and maturity brings sorrow
The right person at the wrong time
The perfect love story ending in blank tear stained pages
That's the thing about time we waste it because we think we have so much
Yet we are all so fast paced and rushed
I wish we'd slow down and breathe
My deepest regret is I never did

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